VI// Wolf Trouble

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Situationships - Verse Simmonds

Chapter 6


Getting up, I feel super groggy. My hair all over the place, my eyes trying their hardest not to close. It was not a pretty sight.

Slowly making my way to the bathroom, turning on the lights, I shut and lock the door. I look in the mirror, and my eyes are bloodshot and my hair looks bigger than a lions mane, my bun all loose, pieces flaring all over the place. And a white trail mark by the corner of my mouth, from drooling all night. Turning on the shower, I hop right in.

After the much needed, refreshing shower, I take my brush and brush out my hair, which takes a while, because of the knots that formed during my slumber. Finally, my hair is a tangle- free and I proceed with washing my face and brushing my teeth. My breath smelling minty fresh, and my face fully cleansed, I look in the mirror, and I look much better and feel a lot better.

I wrap my body in a towel and exit the bathroom. Pushing the many shirts aside while looking for something to wear inside my closet, I finally find something...presentable. Gathering my whole outfit for the day, which consists of black leggings, and a matching black crop top tee. Throwing on my combat boots and tying my hair up into a high ponytail, I grab my phone and head downstairs.

I hear the murmuring of my pack members, and as soon as I step foot in the kitchen, eyes dart towards me. But no one dares to make direct eye contact for too long, as it is a sign of disrespect to any alpha. My eyes pan over the many wolves preparing to eat breakfast, and I notice that they all look at me with a glint of curiosity in their eyes. Walking further into the kitchen, I announce, "Good Morning" in which they respond, "Good Morning Alpha." and there is one curious little girl, no older than 7, with the cutest dirty blond hair, and sparkling green eyes who speaks up,

"Where were you yesterday during dinner Alpha?" she asks, and her mother, who was earlier sitting at a big table with a bunch of other adult wolves, then walks up to her and quietly scolds her. I wave the mother off and look at the little girl, and bend down to her height, "At times, you just have those moments where you want time to yourself, or just to relax after an eventful day." The look in her eyes then turns into confusion. I smile at her and say, "Trust me, you will understand when you are much older." I then turn her towards her mother, who was looking at me with awe, and the little girl, whose name I remember was Kelly, starts walking shyly to her mother, Brittany.

I nod towards the mother and start making my way to the training grounds. As soon as I make it to the center of the field, my eyes scan over all of my pack members. I notice everyone looking at me, waiting for me to give my command.

"Everyone split up into pairs, and find an empty space out in the field."

Everyone disperses into their little groups. As soon as everyone has found a pair, we had an odd number, so I had to make some groups of either 3 or 4. And so I gave my demand for everyone to start sparring.

A couple hours of training, still making my way around the field, giving tips for some of the younger wolves to improve. Working with other young wolves, to help earn new self-defense methods and also sparring with some of the men. Most men in my pack know that they should not hold back when sparring with me because my father was a pretty tough guy to train with, so when he trained with me, he made sure that I would be able to defend myself during ANY situation. And looking to where it has got me now, I am more than grateful that he did.

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