XVI// Theodosius

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Too Much, Too Little, Too Late - Russell Harrison

Chapter 16


A Week Later

I am back with my parents. My real parents.

We have been here for the past 5 days. My brother, the guards and I left Crimson Fangs 2 days after I last spoke with Alpha Max.

Turns out Luna Jaz decided on announcing her pregnancy the day right before we left. She also wanted to have a little farewell party while also a get together with their pack.

The whole gathering was out in their backyard with the whole pack. Alpha Max was grilling a bunch of food while Luna Jaz was preparing some of the other foods with the help of her pack members. The whole backyard smelt of drool-worthy food and they had entertainment for the little ones running around. The pack of their packhouse also had a pool and jacuzzi along with a bar right where Alpha Max was grilling the various meat that his trackers hunted down the night before. Once Luna Jaz and Alpha Max were done setting up and got the food all cooked they called for everyone to gather in the center of the backyard where a tiny stage was set up with a microphone stand right in the center.

The backdrop of the stage had a little rolled up banner right behind them. Both the Alpha and Luna walked onto the stage hand in hand and waiting for everyone to gather around and to quiet down. As soon as all of the attention was on them I remember clear as day, the look that Luna Jaz gave to Alpha Max as she looked up at him with a glint of happiness in her eyes while Alpha Max looked as if he was about to tear up looking at his beautiful mate. He gently nodded gently to her and she took a deep breath facing the crowd.

As soon as the words 'we're pregnant' left Luna Jaz's mouth everyone was quiet for a quick moment before it was chaos. Everyone was cheering, congratulating both of them happiness and joy all throughout everyone's faces.

Once everyone settled down they informed the pack of some other things that will be going on and then introduced me as the new prince.

All of my friends in the pack, and all the wolves I trained, these wolves that I have grown up with I could see the initial shock that coursed through their faces when the words left Alpha Max's mouth.

They all then bowed to me and I have never felt so much authority or ever felt my wolf so powerful when he saw all of the wolves bow respectfully. As a sign of respect to them also and also to show my loyalty to them I returned the gesture making sure they know that I would never let them down and they could count on me to be their future king.

Once the party was over we knew we had to get going. Yet deep down I really wanted to stay longer, but I know I am needed back at the palace. We said our farewells and everyone gathered around as they all bid goodbye to my brother and me.

And here we are now, back at the royal palace.

Currently sitting in my fathers' office him teaching me about alpha duties that I would have to do soon and teaching me the Greek language.

Learning a new language has never been any more difficult than anything else. I keep struggling with the right pronunciations having to repeat the same word or phrase over and over again until I get it right.

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