Chapter 5

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Perrie's POV
As I'm starting to wake up I realise that I'm not in my house and that there is an arm draped around me. I turn over to see Jade. Then my mind flashes back to last night and how I was such a mess. Oh fuck....
I try to get out of the bed without waking her up but my attempt failed when I feel her stir and her eyes flutter open.

'Good morning pezza' she said in a groggy morning voice.

'Good morning' I reply.
I leave the room so she can get dressed then one she come back down I get dressed and go to sit with her.

'Ermmm, what exactly happened last night?' I asked. She had a thinking face on which made me want to laugh but I contained it.

'Well, you pretty much got mortal and text me at 1am and I told you to find the street name so I could pick you up and I brought you back here. Helped you change then went to sleep' she says. In my mind I was thankful I didn't say anything I regret but also thankful she helped.

'Thank you for coming to get me, I don't know what would have happened. I just need to grab my phone then I should probably get going as my mam would be worried shitless' I say and she just laughs.

'If you want I can drop you home?' She asks and all I do is nod.

*skip car journey*

'Thanks for the lift, I'll see you tomorrow. Have a lovely day Jade' I say and she smiles.

'You too Perrie' she replies back.

Jade's POV
Today I was happy coming to school as I get to see Perrie again she's- wait this can't happen I'm her teacher. Am I getting feelings for her? Ugh I'm so confused... I'm not sure what to do. I have Perrie before lunch today which I'm actually looking forward to. Eventually that lesson rolled along, but when I saw Perrie I saw she had a bruise on her jaw and I mouthed to her when she entered 'you okay?' And she just nodded but she kept her head down all the way to her seat.
Once I've finished explaining everything, I gave worksheets to everyone. That's when I came up to Perrie and noticed she was to busy focusing on something to know I'm stood next to her. I bend down so I can whisper in her ear something to get her attention.

'Perrie. Hun, you okay?' I whisper and that got her out of her thoughts.

'Yeah sorry' she says glumly. Hmm what's up with her?
Within 15 minutes I could her people whispering things and I noticed Danielle saying things to Perrie so I watched. All I could catch on to was something about her father and then something clicked on my mind from what she said Saturday night. This may end bad.

Perrie's POV
Danielle won't leave me alone and I want nothing to with her right now.

'Perrie!' Danielle whisper yelled.

'What?' I snapped without noticing.

'Wow. Calm your fucking pants. Just wanted to check up on your father' she had a mimicking tone towards that sly comment which my anger raise.

'What's it got to do with you? He isn't your father is he?' I said a bit louder with caught peoples attention including misses.

'Who are you talking to Perrie?' Danielle says saying as loud as my last comment. That made her stand up and come towards me...

'Who do you think?' I shouted
She started getting in my face and I couldn't take I just shove her.

'Shut the fuck up!' I shout till Miss Thirlwall grabs me and another teacher grabs Danielle. Everyone got removed from the class till it is just me, Miss Thirlwall, Danielle and another teacher. Miss keeps trying to calm me down but it isn't working. She doesn't know what issues I deal with... she needs to know.

'I'M NOT SURPRISED YOUR DAD ABUSES YOUR MUM! SHE IS A LOW LIFE CUNT!' Danielle shout which makes me just lose myself but before I could do anything Danielle has been dragged out the room and I'm pinned against the wall. She pushed me so far... I'm at breaking point.

Jade's POV
I don't know what to do. Danielle was out of line. Perrie won't calm down and I have her pinned against a wall. I leave her to lock my door and come back to her. She still really angry. She is just leaning against the wall.

'Perrie?' I say quietly not sure if she wants to talk or not. But she hums in response.

'You need to calm down' I say and she just looks at me very coldly which is a bit of a shock.

'Calm down? I NEED TO CALM DOWN?' She shouts.

'Perrie please' I say with tears running down my face. I grab her arms and that's when I notice new scars and that annoyed me. She tried to release her arms from my grip. It wasn't working until she started swinging so I had no other decision than to grab hold of her arms and pin them beside her head.

'Perrie WHY are there new scars?' I yell.

'What the FUCK DOES THAT MATTER' she shouts back. I can tell she getting worse and it would be a touchy subject but then out of no where her breathing picks and she starts hyperventilating. 'SHE IS HAVING A PANIC ATTACK' was going through my mind. I do the only thing I can do I lie her down and help her breath by telling her to inhale and exhale long breathes. Eventually she calms downs and her breath steady out. I'm so happy that it worked but then I realised the position, she is lying down and I'm hovering over her. I would kiss her now, but I can't... I shouldn't even feel like this towards a student.

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