Chapter 19

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Surprisingly when Perrie turned up at mine and Leigh's apartment she had a blood covered face. We immediately pull her inside and hug her. Although, where's Jade?

We lead her to the living so she can sit whilst Leigh goes to get stuff to clean her face up. Within a minute Leigh is back and starts to clean her up. I have to see what happened.

'Perrie, what happened?' I ask quietly as if she would snap. She looks up to me and I see tears come to her eyes.

'I went to lunch and I noticed I hadn't seen Jade so I went to her class. When I arrived I saw she was upset then she began to cry so I pulled her onto my lap and let her cry. I did try to see what was the matter and she didn't reply' she pauses for a breather before carrying on.
'Miss Martin came into the room and basically said that she could get fired or arrested if we told everyone we were together and then Jade said people were talking shit about me so we went to the lounge in Miss Martin's office, she explains everything and that's when I get told who actually said them things which were basically I'll do it again' she says, the further she gets into the story the more it breaks my heart as I can see that she does love Jade.

'Who said it?' Leigh asks. We look at each other before nodding to Perrie.

'Danielle and Alex, her new boyfriend' she sighs. How did I know it would be this girl considering from what I've heard, she is a bitch.

'I confronted her and she mentioned my dad so I did the same to her and then we began to fight. Jade did try to get me off her but I shrugged her off then Danielle decides to get in her face and shove her into a locker' she says with anger in her voice. We are both shocked on how Danielle is still in the school. How come they don't just kick her out?

'Finally I get dragged away by Miss Martin and she says I shouldn't have done that and I basically said no one cares and I was more bothered about my bleeding face. I saw the hurt in Jade's face and I don't know what to do about it' she explains before bursting into tears.

'I feel like I've fucked up with Jade. Can you get her to come here' she says before crying again.

'Do you want me to call her and see if she can come over?' Leigh asks Perrie. She just nods so when she leaves I bring Perrie into a cuddle for comfort.

I begin to dial Jade's number and the more it rings the more nervous I am...

J- hello? She sniffles yep she crying...
L- Hey Jade, it's Leigh. I have Perrie over mine and Jesy's apartment and we were wondering if you could come over. She is crying and she wants you.
J- yeah I'll come. Just need your address.
L- Sent it.
J- okay can you let her know I love her?
L- Will do Jade.

With that I end the call and make my way back to them. I carefully bend down in front of Perrie and stroke her arm.

'She is on her way Perrie and she said she loves you' I say and when she hears the end of my sentence she smiles.

Hopefully when Jade arrives it all goes well.

Had much time to make new chapters so hopefully more will be out soon.

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