Chapter 23

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Of course it had to thunder yesterday as i'm walking home. Here i am now, laying in bed. Sick. Clearly i wasn't able to go to school which in some way sucked because obviously Jade had to go in and i miss her lots.

My poor Pez is stuck in bed sick from walking home in thunder. Last night wasn't the best of sleeps as it was a struggle for her to actually get some sleep. Constantly coughing and sneezing, it was hard for me to see her like that but things happen and that can't be controlled.
School seemed to drag in some way and that's weird for me as for one being a teacher it doesn't usually drag, but it was knowing that Perrie wasn't able to come in that made it seem to drag as well.

Oddly enough though, Danielle came and spoke to me today. I was just praying it wouldn't be a snarky remark of some sort.
'Miss Thirlwall?' she says, with a calm tone. This did make me think, maybe she'll apologise for her wrong doings she has previously done. But i might be wrong...

'yes Danielle' i reply, i did fear what was about to come out of her mouth though.

'i just thought i'd question you about Perrie, since she not in and all' she says before taking a breather. Not going to lie, this did wind me up slightly, but also caught me off guard.
'right?' i questioned, more intrigued into what she has to say. I mean, she is speaking about my girlfriend here.
'well we all know that her dad is abusive and that shit, and you seem to always be there when an incident happens. what i'm trying to ask is has she ever hit you?' she blurts out in more or less one.

This pissed me right off, if Perrie or anyone for that matter ever laid a finger on me in the wrong way. It is none of her business.

'No, not that it's any of your business. But now i'm going to ask you to leave. I'm appalled that you even asked me that type of question and i am just not going to deal with it. So, leave.' i say in a slight of angry tone, she nods and goes.

I cannot believe this, a fucking student even asked me that, like what the actual fuck!

I feel a lot better as i've taken some tablets and just rested. I hope Jade gets back soon though, it's not the same not seeing her as much during the day.

Sitting in the living room just watching tv, i hear the door open and close. Signalising Jade has returned from school, but when i look at her i couldn't tell if she was pissed or just upset.
'Jade, everything okay?' i ask quietly just in case anything makes her snap.
'To be honest with you Pez, no. Danielle has the fucking nerve to come and question me about YOU!' she reply's, getting angrier by the minute.
'me? what did she ask?' i ask, wondering if that was a good idea.
'OH, just how your dads abusive, how i'm always there when something's happens. AS WELL, if you've ever hit me' jade rants out in one breath.
Jade was asked if i ever hit her, hmm. How am i suppose to react and now i'm nervous to know what she replied with.
'So ermm, w-what did you r-reply with the me hitting you?' i stutter out as i'm honestly scared for her answer.

Jade comes straight to me and crouches down to my height as i'm sat down on the sofa. She grabs my hands with care and love and looks my directly in the eyes.

'Baby, of course i said no. Were you scared i'd say you did, when you and me both know that you haven't?' she states.
'i dunno Jade. i was just nervous and scared of what you would've said. i'm not claiming you would've said i had, but i just dunno.' i say with worry laced in my voice. i look down as i feel tears fill my eyes.

I know she is upset about that question being asked, i shouldn't have just said it like that either. But she did need to know. When she looks down i could immediately tell that she was not happy. I carefully grab hold of her face and bring it to look at me, straight forward.

'Baby please know, if you ever hit me and i know you wouldn't. I wouldn't even say it to anybody, you and me both know that when there's incidents occurring and it's a fight. someone who is trying to break the fight is bound to be hit, but it would never be intentional. I love you with my entire heart okay?' i say pouring my heart out ever so slightly, by the end of the sentence she had the biggest smile on her face and i pull her towards me for a passionate kiss.
'i love you too Jade' she mumbles against my lips when we've pulled away a bit.

This may not be the best of chapters but i thought that i'd try and write one as i haven't in a long time.

Jerrie- Miss ThirlwallTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon