Chapter 7

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Perrie's PoV
I'm a complete mess. Jade is trying her best to comfort me but it isn't working. I'm grateful she was there to help me and my mam. The police take my dad away and my mam goes back in.
'Do you want me to stay with you Pez?' Jade asks. She's little bit shaken up but she can see how I am. I just nod and we head in together.
'I'll take the couch' she says, all I can do is laugh and shake my head.
'No, you have my bed' I say but it was more of an statement.
'Fine then. But I ain't staying in your bed on my own. Your sharing to' she says making your more obvious. I oblige and we head upstairs. I give her some pjs to get changed into whilst going to sort her out a toothbrush. I head into another bathroom to get ready. Once finished I knock on the door to make sure she's decent.
'Are you decent?' I ask and she just laughs.
'Yes Pez' She says still laughing. I enter and we both snuggle into the bed. Once getting under the quilt I let out a sigh. God first school is bad and now it is at home. My life couldn't get shitter.

Jade turns over so we are both facing each other. She keeps making these silly faces and honestly there funny but adorable at the same time.

Once the laughter has died down we start having a random conversation about life and relationships. We were so close that there was a little gap between us. Right now I could kiss her, but I won't as that's pushing the boundaries.
I do find us both leaning in at one point though...

Jade's PoV
Me and Perrie are snuggled up in her bed. After having a disagreement on sleeping arrangements, we finally got it sorted. We were having a normal conversation about how are life's out with relationships and all that's. I let her know that I don't have a attraction with guys but I do with girls. By the end of that topic we both ending up leaning in and kissing. 'We're actually kissing' I thought. Our lips starting moving together, air started to be a problem so we pulled away and smiled at each other before going sleep.

'Nanite Pez' I say mid yawning.
'Night Jade' she replies half asleep.

I went to sleep thinking about her. She is wonderful. There is one problem though, I'm her teacher.
Walking up felt unusual as I couldn't really remember anything from last night. When I turned over I saw Perrie and that's when everything came flooding back. Everything what happened with Perrie mam and dad and the kiss we had. I try to get out the bed without waking her but fail as she starts to stir and her eyes flutter open.

'Good morning' she says with a raspy morning voice.
'Good morning. I'm going to get dressed. So you need to as well so we can leave for school' I say. It might have sounded more like a command but she just nods.
Once we've both got dressed. We head out to get to my car. She has her face in her phone most of the journey, she was huffing and puffing most of it. I just thought maybe there's something she didn't like. Once arriving we head out and go in together and spilt of as she has another lesson before mine. I don't have her till third which is a double lesson. Two hours with Perrie :)
My first two lessons felt like they weren't ever gonna end. I was so glad to hear the bell ring, I'm glad I can eat. After eating I still had about 30 minutes. My class room door is open so I can hear everything that happens out there. I'm scrolling through my social media when I see someone get pushed and shouting.

At first I think it's just people messing around. That's until I see someone start attacking her. I rush out my seat and run up to the girls. I don't see there faces so I don't know who they are. They are throwing punches and kicks. I grab the blonde till I realise that's I'm grabbing Perrie off Danielle.

'PERRIE CALM DOWN!' I scream as more people begin to gather. She swings and nearly hits me, it's fine though.
Danielle starts shouting out Perrie's family issues and she hit Perrie in the face. Another teacher comes and gets Danielle. The two girls are still going at each other... I feel helpless.

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