Chapter 18

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Why have all people has it had to be Danielle? Clearly she has a thing against me but id rather it all to be forgotten about now. Seeing Danielle and her mates made me think about it all and then I just head towards her.

'Danielle?' I say loud enough for her to hear. She turns around and just smirks when she notices it is me.

'Oh, look who is back?' She says slyly.

'Why do you have to keep mentioning shit? It clearly has nothing to fucking do with you!' I say edging closer. My fist begin to form into fists but I just leave them beside my waist.

'Oh but didn't that all happen because of me? What is you daddy gonna do when he finds out about this' she says mimicking the word that she knows I dislike when she says that. I confide my anger in to words...

'What, I'm pretty sure your daddy would've acted so much better' I say and with that she attempts to slap me but I catch her hand and slap her with force she falls to the floor. Her entourage disappears and we continue to fight. Punch after punch I pummel her with. I feel hands try to get me off her but I carry on with punching her.

The moment Pez leaves I follow her and when I turn the corner I see her punching Danielle square in the face. I try to remove her from her but she just shakes my hands of her. I'm so weak I don't know what to do. I signal for miss Martin to come help.

Danielle was capable of flipping herself over and start to punch Pez. I see blood on her wrist so I take action and push Danielle of her.

'WHY THE FUCK YOU HELPING THE USEFUL CUNT' she says getting in my face. She shoves me into the locker and tears spring in my eyes. Pez rushes to me to see if I'm okay but all I do is shake my head. She runs at Danielle takes her down and pins her hands down to the ground.

'DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR ME!?' She shouts in her face and thankfully before she swings again, Miss Martin comes round the corner and drags Perrie off.

She keeps dragging Perrie all the way to her office and I just follow with tears flowing from my eyes.

I know I shouldn't have done that but I did. Miss Martin is currently dragging me to her office and I know she is mad.

'What were you thinking Perrie? Attacking someone over that?!' She asks with a calm face. I don't reply . I place my face in my hands and that's when I feel all the blood from my nose and cuts on my face.

'Doesn't even fucking matter. No one clearly fucking cares' I say with bitterness in my voice. I see Jade's face turn to hurt but I shake it off.

'Your lucky I'm not expelling you. You put yourself in danger and hurt another student let alone yourself' she tells me.

'Listen I don't want to fucking talk right now. My face is bleeding so I care more about that so if you don't mind I'm going.' I stand up and leave. I go to the one place I know and that's Jesy's place. I knock on the door and when they see me they immediately pull me inside and hug me.

Why am I a mess? Have I fucked things up with Jade?

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