Chapter 24

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School was boring, as per usual. but hey! i have jade later. for some reason i'm always nervous when i know i have lesson with her. it's a habit.

when walking in i notice jade with her head down on her phone. with that i walk to the back and sit directly in the corner. i know i'm meant to sit at the front but it's hard to focus there. once everyone walked in that's when jade finally looked up. hmm, odd.

she begins talking about some random science shit and i never understand why it's so fucking hard to understand. she gives sheets out and comes to me last. she places the sheet down and looks into my eyes, something seems off with her. she doesn't have the same twinkle she had last night. it's gone...


This morning, yet again Danielle came to me and spoke more shit about perrie but i'm not even gonna let it get to me. i didn't even realise pez walked into my class for the lesson today because i was stuck doing something on my phone. finally giving the sheets out after talking about what we are doing today i found where she was sat.

i make direct eye contact with her and i can't even think of something to say, i don't get why. eventually she just looks down and doesn't say a word to me, with that i walk back to my desk.

once the lesson was over i look up and see perrie has already left. i stand up and decide to go find her as she probably thinks i'm in a mood with her. i search for ages before giving up and going toilet.

i walk in and there she is. stood facing the mirror unmoving.

'pez?' i question quietly trying not to frighten her. all i get is a hum for response.

'you okay babe?' i ask and that's when she made eye contact with me, through the mirror though.

'i'm fine' she says plainly, should i be worried?
i walk up to her and touch the lower of her back and stand there in silence with her.
she turns her head towards me and looks into my eyes, i smile slightly at her but she doesn't return it.

'is something up Jade? it really doesn't seem it especially when we were in lesson' she blurts out, that's what's up with her.

'just something on my mind babe, nothing to worry about' i say trying to reassure her. i don't want her to know danielle spoke to me.

'yano i'm not fucking stupid jade, i know danielle went into your class this morning. jesy told me' she says bluntly again and moved away from my hand so it just dangled there.

'pez baby, honestly nothing happened. only some words about the work she was stuck on' i lie so she doesn't get mad, she better not find out though.

'right, well i'm gonna go now as i need to meet jesy outside to do something' she says quickly before leaving. Do something? what could she be possibly doing?


i knew jade was lying, it was bloody obvious. i needed to leave and that is what i did. i went outside and lit up a cigarette, jade doesn't know i smoke but it is very rare that i do. i slide down the wall and a tear slowly slips out my eye. of course i didn't realise jade was going to follow me outside.

'what the fuck perrie?!' she exclaims loud making me jump. i look at her and shake my head meaning i don't want to talk.

she grabs the cigarette out of my hand and stamps on it. i stand up immediately and just look at her with no emotions.

'right what is wrong with you jade? was that necessary?' i question with an annoyed tone.

'yes it fucking was, why are you smoking?' i begins to shout. don't get me wrong i love her but does she need to shout? we could've easily spoke about this somewhere more private.

'i dunno and i could ask you something very similar, why did you lie about your conversation with danielle?' i say, my voice begins to weaken throughout my question. i know she lied and by her reaction, it said it all.

i walk away but not without bumping her slightly, what wasn't expected was her to grab me.


so she walks away and bumps into, seriously?
i grab her hand and drag her in the tool shed that's in the outside area.

the whole time i'm taking her that she was shouting and trying to get out of my grip. upon arriving to the shed i open the door and then slam her up against the wall.

she looks at me with fear in her eyes but i can't even think straight because i'm pissed.

'let go of me please?' she says with a slight wimpier and i do, only because i knew what i was doing was wrong. i drop to the floor and begins to sob.

within seconds perrie raps her arms around me and rocks us slightly.

'i'm sorry perrie, i'm so fucking sorry' i sob out, she just shushes me until i stop crying. i do finally and i just look up into her baby blue eyes.

she leans in slightly and kisses me on the lips with compassion, i of course. kiss back.

'i love you so much, okay jade? nothing will stop me loving you' she says with a big smile and looking at me with admiration.

'i love you too' i reply back to her and smile at her widely.

with that we head back to my house...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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