Chapter 14 - Laurene's POV

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An hour later, I find myself lying on a soft grassy bank next to a surprisingly kind Ellison who is acting like a real gentleman. He got one of his employees to get him a hamper, so we are now enjoying a picnic in the sunny outdoors trying to forget our worries and troubles through each other. A deep sense of serenity overcame me as we stared in rapture at the expanse of blue that lays before us. Rays of light dance delicately across the water, birthed from the afternoon sun that both limits our sight and makes the view all the more beautiful.

The willow tree whose branches hang around us like a halo lets peeps of light through, mischievously taunting us with the golden dancing light of the afternoon. The sounds of birds singing, water sprinkling and a distant dog yapping add an edge to the serene silence, keeping a tinge of reality to our surroundings.

The picnic Ellison had gotten prepared is like the picnic from the Wind and the Willows – fabulous and fancy with too much food for two people to consume. A spread of scotch eggs, fresh bread sandwiches, sausage rolls, quiche, dainty cupcakes, jellies and pink lemonade was spread out around us, showing an abundance of fresh food. Ellison and I dig in eating until we are full, laughing and joking about things. For a couple of minutes, it felt like two friends relaxing and having fun without the burdens of the future slowly crushing the life out of them. However, we both know we cannot hide from the elephant in the room forever.

Now that we have finished our meal, I decide to lie back and stretch like a cat, contented in the serenity of this area and having a full stomach. I lift my hand to cover my eyes from the sun, and then look over to see Ellison watching me curiously. For a moment, we lie there looking at each other, trying to express through our eyes the words that do not want to be spoken. Up this close to Ellison, I can see his little imperfections that make him even more real and perfect. There is a little scar just above his brow bone; probably made from an accident as a child, and he has some little freckles splashed on his nose, looking adorably cute and pinch-able.

"I'm sorry." He says at last, the sincerity shining in his eyes.

"For?" I asked, not willing to give in to him that easily.

"For shutting you out and being a crap friend." He said simply.


"I thought that if I brushed you off and acted like I hated you then you would act like that in return. I then thought that if our parents saw our cold attitudes towards each other, then they would realise that we are not compatible and cancel the engagement. I was wrong."

"So... You don't really hate me?" I asked feebly.

"No of course not! You're lovely, kind smart and well, beautiful." Ellison rambled out. I blush at his sweet words.

"You're not too bad yourself when you're not being an inconsiderate jerk." I laughed.

"I guess. I also wanted to say that I would definitely rather marry you then Brianna. Ijust said that to try and fight our case." He looks nervous as he reveals the truth of his words to me.

"It's ok. I am just confused and upset because I really want us to be friends. I mean we have got to spend the next five years together." I sigh glumly.

"I know. I am sorry about all of this. But we will cross those bridges when it comes to them, and we will do it together." He speaks softly and sweetly, very different to the way he has been treating me this past week.

"Thank you Ellison. I am sorry I freaked out; I just cannot believe that we have to have a baby together. I mean, I do want children, but not right now, and with someone I love. I have dreams to accomplish! And that poor child, it will be like a suitcase kid, and imagine how he or she will feel when they were born purely to run a company and not out of love!" I exclaim, tearing my eyes from Ellison and staring at the beautiful expanse of blue sky instead.

"It's ok. And I know how you feel. When the time comes we will come up with something."

"I guess." I sit up and start putting the dishes away and bagging up the rubbish. Ellison swiftly follows.

"You know; you're not like most rich people's daughters, you're... normal I guess. And selfless and kind."

"Thank you. I always try to be nice and kind in respect of my mother. She was the most beautiful, gentle, compassionate person I have ever met." I smile at him whilst recalling the beautiful memories I have stored in my head, more precious then any of my belongings.

"Your mother sounds like a wonderful person. I wish I knew where mine was. My father hired a detective to find her, but they never did."

Ellison tells me, looking rather down.

"Well you should never stop trying. I'm sure there is a valid reason why she has not reached out to you yet." Ellison simply gives me another breath-taking smile then turns around to gather the glasses.

"How did you find this place?" I ask him.

Ellison suddenly tensed, as if he was not willing to give up that piece of information yet.

"Well... I used to come here a lot with my mother. I had my father buy these grounds so I can come here whenever I feel alone, or need to clear my head."

I nod in understanding. "Has anyone else been here before?"

"No. You're the first person actually." Ellison is smiling warmly at me, making me smile back. Suddenly I realise that we must look like two naive lovesick teenagers, (which we are most definitely are not), so I quickly avert my gaze from his as if it was toxic.

"Do you think that my mum does not want me? Maybe that is why she never tried to visit. Or maybe she is dead. I just... I really... I..." Ellison is struggling with his words, and he looks so helpless and lost, like the little boy, he once was who just lost his mother. I guess that being here with someone else is painful for him, as this is his little haven from the world, one that is private and opens up all of his insecurities.

Without another thought, I crawl over and wrap my arms around him. He has tensed, unable to react, but now is slowly wrapping his arms around me as well, and buries his head in my neck. We stay like this for several minutes, finding comfort and peace in each other's arms. We both share the pain of losing a loved one too soon, and there is a mysterious succour that clouds us, helping us to unload our grief on to each other to make it all the more bearable.

"Ellison. I do not know where your mother is and why she left you, but I do know that it was not your fault, and she is really missing out on getting to know you. So please – stop blaming yourself for her departure. It's the only way you'll find any peace, and be able to move on to the next stage."

"What's the next stage?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"Finding out the truth." I finish with a smile.

I then pull back, which snaps Ellison out of his weak moment, and brought him back to his usual self with the blink of his eyes. He pulls the hamper under his right arm, and pulls his left arm over my shoulders, tugging us together, and causing a smile to spread onto my face. Now that we are back into the car, Ellison has thankfully put the music on to amuse my restless mind, and belts out 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dion with me. We are both in fits of laughter after that song, and I have happy tears gushing down my face, which is an unattractive red colour due to all of my laughter.

By the time we reach my house, we both have sheer delight splitting our faces from ear to ear. Truth be told, I do not want to leave this haven – our happiness is like a cloudless day, beautiful and deceptively perfect, only to step outside and realise there are imperfections. However, nothing can stay perfect forever, which is why I reluctantly haul myself out of the car, and into my lonely, dark house. However, not before I place a chaste kiss on Ellison's warm and soft cheek, conveying my thanks and gratitude. When I did that a burst of joy like the one the pouring down of rain was stamped into his eyes, making a feeling much like the blossoming of a tulip on a spring day erupt in my heart.

Although this electrifyingly giddy feeling is breathtakingly enhancing, I cannot help but let a little doubt seep through into my mind – our friendship has only just begun. Will it all be ruined because of the engagement? I will just have to believe in our friendship and hope that it gets us across the bridge to calmer waters.


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