Chapter 26 - Laurene's POV

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Nightmares. I have been waking up every night for the past week being plagued by them. They haunt me whilst I am awake, and torture me whilst I am asleep. There is no way to get rid of them. Each one is the same. Death. Whether it is Ellison, my brother, Kendall, Serafina, Poppy or I... I cannot get rid of them or prevent them. I am stuck; frozen watching my loved ones die whilst I look on, horrified. As their screams echo in my mind, begging me to help them... I cannot. Something stops me from moving. Sometimes before they die, they tell me it is my fault, and I should just listen to the texts.

Text messages. I get a daily reminder. Stay away from Ellison. Every time I block the number, and think I have escaped from the continuous harassment, they find a new way to contact me. This morning was the most frightening message... a picture of my brother. They know where he is, and can easily hurt him. These are criminals, and I know I should tell someone; anyone, but I cannot. Imagine if I did then someone got hurt... or worse. I would not be able to live with myself.

I have thrown myself into caring for Ellison. That way I have something to take my mind off the constant dread and worry. I keep expecting to get a phone call, announcing someone's death. Every time my phone goes off I jump, and the monster of my emotions hurdles into my stomach, tangling it up into tight, unbreakable knots. However, what can I do? I need to find a solution from saving all those I love from getting hurt, but I cannot leave Ellison now after everything... I do care for him after all. I just have to reel in my emotions, and try not to fall any deeper into the pool of romance, with Ellison being the water dragging me profounder like some sort of siren. He is intoxicating. As soon as he is well enough, I will stop spending so much time with him. I cannot afford to do something silly such as fall in love with him. No. I accept I cannot have a relationship with him... it would cause a load of problems, and I doubt that he would ever be able to love me conclusively.

However, I wish he would stop being so sweet and kind to me all the time... he is making it extremely difficult NOT to like him. For example; last night. He burdened himself with looking after me after a dreadful nightmare, even though he can hardly move. He actually got out of bed, in unconceivable pain to comfort me when I was in the pits of distress. In addition, the way he looked at me, when we woke up in each others arms... many girls could only dream of such an intimate loving dealing. I want to, no need to separate myself from him to stop me from getting in over my head, but my heart will not let me. Therefore, the anxiety sits below my smile, my actions, and my silly jokes... It is there like over- caffienation but without the option not to drink a cup. So here I am, all-amped up with no escape.

I am snapped out of my daze like the click of someone's fingers when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Suddenly I feel like I am being buried alive, as a mountain of dread, fear and worry crashes down on me, making me want to curl up into a ball. Dread has my stomach locked up tight, nothing getting in or out. Dread sets my face like rigor mortis, my teeth locked tight together.

Gulping I sedately slide my phone out of my pocket, my hands shaking slightly at what I might find. I would not put it past these criminals to send me pictures of dead bodies, reminding me what will happen if I do not cut ties with Ellison by next week. I still do not know what I can do. I know I have to tell someone... but I don't want to worry Ellison who is recovering, and I don't think anyone else would understand. Unless... Yes. He will know what to do. I will call him right after I have dealt with whoever just text me.

I cautiously glance down at my phone, and sigh in relief when I see the message is only from Celena.

*Celena* 10:43

Heya Laurene! Hope you are ok! I hope you're not busy because my mum and I are taking you out for lunch today! End of discussion. We will pick you up at 12.30. See you then!

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