My Brother's Best Friend. Jin

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**A/N** Did a little editing.

Your stomach flipped when you heard your brother sent his best friend to come pick you up from your dorm, it's been almost four months since you've seen him, four months of phone calls that led into the early morning hours and messages with not so subtle hints of your feelings for him and vice versa, waiting not knowing what expect felt like your brain was boiling in hot oil. You felt like kicking your brother in the head for not giving you enough time to mentally prepare yourself for this, not that he knew what was going on between the two of you, so you couldn't really blame him. Completely lost in thought you were startled with the knock at your door with a pounding heart you opened the door to be faced with the sweetest smile known to mankind as far as you were concerned setting all your worries at ease as soon as his voice rang through your ears.

"Hey gorgeous." his voice cool and calm like always "Hi" was all you could muster up before his long strong arms grabbed you in the tightest bear hug knocking the wind and all your nervousness right out of you, "You ready to go?" his voice vibrated through his chest into you "Yeah, all packed and ready." "Let's go." he huffed out picking your things up, swatting your hands away before you could help him "Let me help" you insisted but answered with an 'are you kidding me' look instead.

 On the way to his car, he casually informed you your brother told him to stay with you since your parents were on holiday, and he was out of town, which made you feel both nervous and excited at the same time. He didn't say anything getting into the car and just turned to look at the road and smiled. The ride home was anything but quiet, with you two singing along with the radio and joking around like two little kids. Finally home, you both got changed in to something more comfy since you were not going to go anywhere, Jin changed into sweats, and you changed in to an oversized sleeveless t-shirt and shorts.

Down in the kitchen, and you saw Jin in all his broad shoulder glory cooking, he was slicing, dicing, chopping and mixing, because you were not one for cooking you let him do his 'Master Chef' thing, and you just sat on the kitchen counter with a glass of white wine swaying to the music enjoying the show in front of you.

He suddenly came toward you with a suspicious smile, the closer he got, the more flustered you got, he settled in between your legs with a spoon to your mouth and said in a low tone,"Taste this.", "Uh, Okay."you whispered as he puts the spoon to your mouth watching you intensely,"Hmm, Oppa that tastes good!!"

He grabbed you by your lower back up off the counter causing your legs to wrap around his waist locking eyes, your breath hitched in your throat as you realize your core is hovering just above his groin, you let your thoughts of him, and you carry you away as he stared intensely at you his eyes not leaving yours, but snapped back to reality almost instantly when he squeezed the left side of your hip and put you down in front of the stove, "Can you stir this while I chop the rest of the vegetables?" he asked lowly "Of course." your voice sounded like a low whisper.

While stirring, Jin came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist with his head right next to yours you feel his breath on your shoulder, and you quiver at the sensation, he spoke in a low almost seductive voice, "Let me taste."

You take a spoonful of the sauce and turn around to face him without unwrapping his arms, with the spoon at mouth level he makes eye contact with you as you blow on the sauce to cool down you bring it to his mouth and without breaking eye contact he slurps some sauce and licks his lips, you feel your cheeks and the rest of you start to heat up when he lets out a (hmm) sound and slowly unwraps his arms from your waist slightly caressing your waist tugging lightly on your t-shirt. You turn away from him to hide your flustered red cheeks, "I..Uhm..I am going to set the table." your voice coming out shaky.

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