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Alexa's POV:

"What?" I ask him.

"I won't look. I just wanna Help." He says looking over at my Wheelchair.

"Yeah..." I trail.

He lifts me up into the bed. He slowly pulls my pants back off, fixing them.

I must have had them on backwards.

He turns them around and puts them on me, one leg, then the limp one.

"Thank you." I say as he slowly pulls them up to my thighs. I grab lay back and try to lift my butt up to pull them on but I can't get my left butt cheek to stay up.

"Come here." He say pulling my up. I have barely any balance at all so I lean my full weight onto him.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me off onto the floor. I try my best to stay on my one good leg but I can't pick the other one up so I dangles there.

He takes the sides of my pants and pulls them up onto my butt.

"Call me if you need anything else." He smiles putting me onto the bed and laying the covers on top of me.

"Thank you." I whisper.

He softly lays his lips onto my forehead and walks out the room.

Gables POV:


I walk past Alexa's Room to mind and see she's sound asleep. She sleeps so gracefully. Well not really, but if you count snoring with mouth opened wide gracefully, I guess it is.

I tiptoe in her room and sit next to her on the bed, moving the one stubborn strand of hair that's always in her face. I just kiss her forehead and sneak into my own room.

I lay down and slowly feel my eyes closing.


"NO, STOP, PLEASE!" I hear screaming.

I run into Alexa's room as fast I can, but no ones there and she's asleep.

"PLEASE STOP!" She screams!

She's having a nightmare. Oh shit she's having a nightmare.

"Alexa. Alexa it's okay." I say trying to lightly wake her up. She jolts awake and wraps her tiny hands around my throat. She's strong for a girl.

"Alexa..." I try breathing out to her.

Her eyes widen as she begins to realize what's she's doing. She quickly let's go and slowly pushes herself to the other side of the bed.

She sits there wide eyed regretting what she did.

"Alexa it's okay. Your okay." I cough out.

"I-I hurt you..." she whimpers. "I choked you." She cries out.

"But I'm fine Alexa." I say laying my hand on her foot.

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