34• Pills & Wiskey

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Alexa's POV:

"You done?" I ask him as he has already gurgled down most of the expresso down and only has the last little bit.

"Yeah." He says standing up and moving towards the door.

It take me a second... it takes me a second to catch my breath and stand up. I take my crutches in hand and push myself up.

"Alexa?" I quickly turn to find a Brie staring at me with a not so sure look on her face.

"Hey Brie!" I shout confirming that I'm myself.

"How have you been? Sorry I haven't called I just got BirdieBee up and still practicing on making my comeback soon." She says laying her hand on mine.

"I've been better. Eventually I'll be able to walk again. It's also fine haven't really been the type to want sympathy anyways." I force a smile.

Brie is the sweetest. She helps a lot of up and coming WWE superstars getting there footing in the company by making it a safe environment in her locker room.

"Well I'll catch up with you eventually. Gotta go get some coffee for me, Daniel, and Nikki." She smiles.

"Tell then I said hi and good luck on your new brand." I walk past her backing out the door. "Bye." I wave pushing the door open with my back.

Gables POV:

I start to lift weights in the mirror when a cannon goes off in my stomach. I'm knocked to the floor by the breath taken out of me.

I ache on the floor, almost at a sob. I clench at my abdomen hoping the pain will subside.

Alexa's POV:

"Thank you." I say grabbing the little baggy from the pharmacist and tucking it into the little pocket on my crutch.

I quickly walk out to the car and Dean is staring at me.

"What?" I ask slamming into the car, laying my crutches on the side.

"Nothing... when's your physical therapy?" He asks.

"It's at 10." I buckle my seatbelt.

Dean nods his head backing out and heading back to the hotel.


"Thanks for taking me." I say getting out of the car.

"Yeah no problem." He smirks walking ahead of me.

We walk into the hotel and I notice the gym. I just wish I could work out again, I have a bunch on muscle in my arms and that one good leg but the other is mostly skin and bones right now.

I see a face in the mirror but it's side ways, maybe someone passed out or maybe it's a homeless man just looking for a place to sleep.

I step closer to the window.

"Hey Alexa you coming?" Dean coos behind me.

"You go on ahead, I wanna check out there gym." I fake a smile and he leaves me.

I crutch myself into the tiny gym, I see him lying on the floor, crying in pain.

"Gable!" I scream throwing my crutches and hobbling over to the place he lays on the floor.

"H-elp." He breathes.

"I'm gonna to call Nia." I say quickly ripping the phone out of my pocket.

I dial her number but it quickly goes to voicemail.

Answer the damn phone Nia!

I call her back but it's ended on her side again.

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