Chp. 19 - The Warrior Inside

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It was going to take Amber a lot longer to get her wolf back so we were on foot for a while, she was dirty and disheveled, the red dress that turned heads at the ball was now torn into pieces. She was stronger now, something must have happened to her in those cells, the frightned little girl was gone, at least for now. 

"Come on" I shout back to Amber she was lagging behind because she didn't have her speed, she was basically human. 

"Why are we running?" she calls, 

"Because when Steven or the mutt wakes up they are going to sound the alarm and they are in cars and we are on foot" I stressed to her, 

"Can't you just mindlink the pack?" 

"She's not strong enough yet" I snapped at Amber, she paused, her eyes cast down. 

You don't need to be so hard on her. She's been through a lot. 

"We all have" I told Her, "I'm sorry, I just want to get out of here" Amber looked up and gave me a weak smile, 

"What did they do to you?" she asked, 

"Nothing I couldn't handle" using my nose I sniff for a way. There was no way either of us were going to be turning into a wolf today or even tomorrow, this drug was good but I was still able to use my other senses. 

I kept going, a bit faster than a walk but not quiet a jog, leaping over fallen logs and dodging tree branches. Amber managed to keep up with me, it wasn't long before we managed to get onto the main road again. 

I heard a car coming and I turned hoping to god it wasn't the hunters, but when they stopped beside us it was local from in town. 

"You two look like hell" he said, 

"Feel it to" I smiled at him, "Could you give us a lift back to our house?" 

"Sure thing sweetheart". I climbed into the passenger seat and Amber sat in the back, 

"What happened to you two?" he asked, I could feel Amber tense and I racked my brain for an answer. 

"We were at a party in the woods and some guys decided to play a prank. It went wrong and we ended up getting lost"

"Young men these days" he shook his head, "never know when enough is enough" the old man kept up conversation about various things in his life, how I reminded him of his daughter, his disapproval of the council wanting to put in a new skatepark  and going to knock down Nanna's Cafe, the cutest and oldest cafe in town. I didn't want him going all the way up to the house so I stopped him on the side of the road.

"Thankyou for lift" I smile, 

"My Pleasure, Miss" 

"Lily" I told him, 

"Kevin" he introduced back, 

"I'll see you around Kevin". 

I didn't realise I was speed walking until I came into the view of the pack house, relief flooded over me and I looked back at Amber who had tears in her eyes as she tried to match my pace. 

I heard the door open and I turned to see Holden and Cole stampeding out the front door, 

"Lily" he called and I just couldn't run anymore, I couldn't move, he made it to me in seconds and I collapsed into his arms. Lowering me to the ground, he cradled me against my chest as his arms enclosed around me, I felt the tears drip onto my cheeks and went to fix them, 

"What did they do to you?" he asked as he searched my body and landed on the bandage, 

"It doesn't matter" I silently sob into his shirt. 

"Lily!" I heard someone shout, I peek over Holden's shoulder to see Alexis, fly down the stairs, I role out of Holden's arms and lunged straight into hers. 

The front of the house is now covered with wolves, all staring at us, my nose picked up a scent I once respected but now defy. Alpha Knight pushed through the crowd and stood at the top of the stairs. I had to make sure he couldn't smell my emotions which was harder than I previously thought. I searched around for Amber and she moved to my side, 

"Are you two alright?" he asked, 

"Fine" I answered, my bluntness was nothing new everybody was used to it. 

"I will need to speak with the pair of you in my office" he explained, 

"After they've rested" Holden interjected and his arm moved around my shoulder. There were so many things I wanted to do to him, number one on my list was tie him down and run my nails all over his body before cutting off pieces of him one by one, but I had to act dumb, I was still a werewolf, these people were still my pack and even though i'm angry at the Alpha and the Elders for what they did, the killing of him is solely the pleasure of Steven not that I owe Steven anything. 

"Of course" the Alpha spoke through a falsified smile, he was worried about all things we learnt, Amber knew nothing, but I knew enough. But I need to get Keith out of here before anything happens, I owe it to his brother. 

When I wake it's dark, I hear the gentle heartbeat of Holden as he sleeps soundlessly beside me, careful not to wake him I slip out of bed. 

We still need rest. She voiced her concern, I just smiled it was so good hearing Her voice, my stomach grumbled loudly, loud enough that I thought it might wake up Holden but it didn't. The whole house was silent, except for the snoring of the wolves who lived here, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the pack stayed over. 

I reach the kitchen and I'm not the only one who had the same idea, Amber was rummaging through the fridge trying find the best food which was always hidden at the back. 

"There's some pasta on the bench" I smile, Amber lifted her head and nodded towards the container full of carbonara, she's become more warrior like which isn't necessarily a good thing, when it comes to the war between Wolves and Hunters I want her to stay out of it, far away from it. That's why I'm hoping Cole will take her back to his pack soon. 

The Pasta had already been warmed up and within seconds it was gone, Amber then pulled out a cake from the fridge and two forks, placing one in front of me. 

"I feel like i'm jet lagged" she says through a mouthful of cake, 

"Yeah, but I guess it's good, I wonder if Alpha Knight has put night watches on, he'd be stupid not to" Amber rolled her eyes, 

"Always the warrior" she grumbles, 

"Too much has happened for me not to be, I can't let my guard down, not ever again" everything is silent. 

"What happened to you Lily? What did they do?" I look up at Amber and stretch my ears to see if anyone was awake. 

"Let's just say they made me question some things I wouldn't even let myself ask, as for what they did to me, they'll get what's coming to them soon enough". 

She looked frightened, I'm not sure if it was for me or the upcoming battle but she was scared but there is a whole new game in play now and I might just be the one to decide how it's played. 

*                                                *                                          *

You guys asked and I delivered (after several months) but hopefully you guys will forgive me. 

Hugs and kisses xoxo

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