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Before I start, let me explain a few things. My whole family is full of workaholics. I am the only one who procrastinates and is lazy. BUT! I do the chores whenever I get home ,yet they say I never do anything. Let us begin.

I worked my ass off during the whole summer. Taking care of Flamingle stealer's baby ,only for her to refuse to pay me because" it wasn't that hard ". Your baby cries 24/7, every second of the day, and his fluids are all over his face. He also has this piercing voice. I mean, literally ,piercing! My ears hurt! I hear a constant ringing and it makes me feel insane.

Second, your baby is soo violent. He goes behind my neck and pulls my hair. When I try to pull him off, he shoves his fingers in my eye. One time ,he broke my glasses! My expensive glasses are broke, so I can't see well. I love him,sure. He is my nephew ,but don't say "it wasn't that hard."

Also ,I wash the dishes. I always do. Then you come in my room, in the middle of the night, and yell " it's your turn to wash the dishes. you haven't washed all this week ,right?"  Like you did this last week when it was your turn, you did the same thing.

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