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I may have a problem when it comes to coffee. I like to make new flavors, drink it, and look sophisticated with it. The thing is people say I drink too much of it.

I drink the decaf coffee. You know, the one that makes you less jittery and still has that good coffee taste. Yeah, I used to drink that everyday before one of my friends said "you drink too much." 

After that, I tried going back to having hot water wake me up or drink tea/ hot cocoa. No solutions worked out.

Hot water made me think of sleeping in the bath as a kid, so I went back to sleep. 

Tea only taste good when I'm sick or need to calm down.

Hot cocoa is too chocolatey and it scorches my throat.

And none of them make me feel the way coffee does! Is it soo hard to just lay off coffee and drink something else? Yes! It is ,at least for me ,it is.

That really opened my eyes. I couldn't just drink something else and then go back to coffee like "I don't need you no more." INSTEAD! I act like one of those super possessive ex lovers that act like we haven't broken up.

Just today, my sister tried to hide coffee creamer from me from behind her back. I got super strength all of a sudden and pulled the arm that had the creamer and snatched it. She fought me for it and we ended up on the floor, trying to get the creamer.

In the end, she got to take it with her. I was mad ,and that's okay!

Because I just ate all the muffins from her with revenge on my mind~☕

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