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Identity seems to be really important to people. I can understand why it's important, but people get so wound up about it that they end up losing themselves instead of finding themselves.

Like that question "Who are you?" or "Who am I?" People want to know who they are. I have a few things to say about all of that. Maybe put it all in this chapter or maybe I will make another chapter about it.


Believe it or not but you change. You grow up. You won't be that same kid you used to be. You experience more. You learn more.

 You may never learn shit. 

What comes with change ,though, is that feeling of discontent. You're not happy. Therefore, you make a change. You go through phases and see which one makes you the happiest. If you can't find one, it makes you worried. 

Things fall apart. You could fall apart. It could feel like a hole you'll never come out of. 

Although, there is some advice I want to give to anyone who is going through that. When you're in that hole, dig another. 

Dig another hole and make it your own. You're your own identity. If you're in that original hole, you are being erased by your own sadness, in a way. All that disappointment about not having a niche. A place to belong. 

Make a place where it is comfortable for you and if anyone else falls down that hole, you could help them. Make one person a bit more happy.

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