Why so Serious~

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I have a question.

Should you be serious about everything?

In my opinion, I think you won't get taken seriously if you stay serious. Like does everything have to be a life or death situation? NO! You decide how serious the situation is, so you get to choose whether to make it serious or not!

I think that's why people might think I'm airheaded or I never take things seriously. It's not that I don't take you seriously. I just don't think what your worrying about is a big deal.

In all my years of living, I have noticed different things leading up to drama. Drama that everyone has ,but you don't need it. It happens with family, friends, and even strangers! I'm about to list some shit I have seen.


-Toxic relationships



-Butt hurt people


-Disliking a certain person for no good reason

I have bolded a few things that I see the most.

First off, lies are fucking everywhere. I know it's such a shock that someone lied to you. It's like 'why would they do that' or 'do they think I'm not smart enough to figure out the truth'. This ,however, isn't how I see lies. Like okay, you didn't tell me the truth? Why? Did you think it would hurt me or some shit like that? Humanity hears lies every damn day of our lives.

If you let a lie hurt you, how do you think you can handle the truth?

This is why I don't take it seriously! A lie from one person or a whole group of people doesn't matter. Life goes on, so you're going to get more stuff like that thrown at you. Should I take what someone says seriously if it isn't true? Fuck no! I think you can do one of two things to that random lie.

Live up to that lie


Prove it wrong


Unlike lies, a misunderstanding seems more complicated to me. A misunderstanding can happen to anyone at any time. It's because there are millions of people in the world with different languages, mindsets, and opinions. Do you really think everyone is going to be on the same page as you?

Like you can be on page one and a few hundred people won't even be at the library!

I personally think it's funny how much somebody can misunderstand while others are just annoying. The annoying ones being the ones who don't even think of the possibility of a misunderstanding. They just believe in their side so much that anything you say would be admitting defeat to them.

I can say when I'm wrong so I'll admit defeat when you give me some evidence or something I can see with my own two eyes. Otherwise, I have a hard time believing anything you say. It's just when you say shit like " I felt like you were talking shit about me" or " my friends told me what you said". I don't trust stuff like that.

It's a game of fucking telephone and I will not take that seriously. It's me saying " yeah, they are an alright person. I don't know much about them, tho". It passes through some people and it comes back like this "yeah, they are such bitches. I know we about to throw hands." What the fuck? Do you expect me to take that seriously? It's unnecessary violence with no true cause or reason.


Lastly, that whole disliking someone for no good reason is so stupid. I mean, I'd understand if you have this gut feeling. You should listen to your gut, but try to stay away from that person then. Why go talk to them or bully them in any way if your gut says "no".

The fuckery in that logic is too much!

If you don't like someone, I feel like you should avoid them or work out any issues like civilized humans. It doesn't make any sense to talk shit about someone you don't know. And it's even worse when you do it behind someone's back! It doesn't make you tough ,but it makes you seem incredibly stupid.

We all have that one person we despise for either a good reason or bad reason. I usually try to talk to someone before deciding how I feel about them to have my reasons straight. When I do have my reasons ready and clear, I usually just silently hate on somebody. The things is you know when I don't like somebody.

I start holding my breathe while they are close to me. I start saying stuff like ,"get out of my face" or " I want you to leave my sight and never come back." I publicly show my hatred right to your face and if you ask me a question , I'll be serious about it.

For example, there is somebody I hate right now that decided to make a fucking tent in front of my family's house and live there. I was happy that they decided to go outside ,but you are making things more complicated than they need to be. That's why I said this exact thing when they asked me what do they look like ," a person too caught up with their own delusions to realize reality therefore you became homeless." In shorter terms, they looked like a bum to me.

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