Walk Out Day + Florida School Shooting

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Walk Out Day

I know I said that I'm having a writer's block,but something just happened that I have to talk about. The Florida shooting has caused a lot to go on including the massive debate about Gun violence and such to have more to debate about.

Today is Walk out today at my school and it was said to start at 10:00 am. That was the assigned time. I already planned to walk out for 17 minutes to honor the 17 students shot at and killed. 

The day comes and it's 9:57. Almost time to walk out ,right? Tell me why I start hearing ,just then, that we can't walk out unless we have a wrist band that we had to sign up to get. I knew nothing about that and I would say that is partially my fault. I don't go down to the cafeteria because I don't eat lunch there. Instead, I stay in the library and work on these books and read.

Still! Why do you need a wrist band to HONOR the kids who died! I get that you'll need the wrist band to figure out who is out there and such. Keep track of the little monsters ,but why can't the students who didn't know jack shit about it have to stay inside? 

Like I said, this day is to honor those kids! They died! They died when someone couldn't hang on to sanity then unleashed their issues onto those kids. They had friends, parents, a fucking life! Now, they're gone. Not to mention, the people who were close to them! The parents that lost their children that day. Imagine it was your kid or friend that had to accept the fact that the person you cared about is gone now. 

I've said this before about how I think death should be bittersweet, but this isn't sweet in the slightest. I was thinking about how people just die.

 Not dying because someone snapped. This has no description. It doesn't leave me bitter or sweet and nothing in between. 

It just leaves me with the feeling of another day living a life where people die, people snap, and people care. It's an everyday feeling ,yet I don't know if it's because I wasn't there or if I'm just so disconnected that I can't feel it.

A pit in your stomach that you can't describe and that your afraid to describe.

This is fucking crazy.

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