I love you

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I've had this update ready since 2 days ago but I just couldn't find time to edit it. Sorry 😊

Thank you so much for your support, I can't believe I have 7.7k reads!!! Thank you all so much 💖💖💖

This chapter is dedicated to the spammers. I love reading your comments 💖💖💖



The series of questions that followed was no surprise to me.

"Who's Levi?" - Chloe and Bloom.

"You know this dude?" - Tyler

"Am I missing something here?" - Dean

"That guy's name is Levi?" - Mark

"What's a Levi?" - Daniel

All eyes turn momentarily to Daniel to give him a 'seriously' look before turning back to me for answers.

I sigh knowing this cannot be avoided.

"Let's get out of here, we can't have this discussion in this place" I say and they all share apprehensive looks but follow nonetheless out of curiosity.

I feel bad that I've never told this to my friends but honestly, I've never had the courage to approach the subject before Hunter.

We all excuse ourselves from the party and I tell my father and Miss. Violet that I'd be sleeping over at Bloom's house. They nod and continue mingling. This ball wasn't really for us anyway, it's more like an occasion to strengthen old connections and make new ones.

Hunter's friends and I ride in the car we came in while Bloom and Chloe ride in another car. Since Blake had stormed off, there was now enough space in the car but Hunter still insisted on me sitting on his lap.

We reach Bloom's mansion and she leads us to the basement of her house. Her basement had been converted into a sort of living room/game room/movie room. This room was where we had our movie night whenever I and Chloe stayed over. Her parents were rarely home so we had less chance of being interrupted.

Everyone finally sits down and sets their inquisitive gaze on on me.
I take a deep breath before I say anything. I know I probably looked dramatic but I was past caring at this point.

"So..." Chloe prods trailing off.

As I open my mouth to talk, the door bursts open to reveal Blake looking breathless as if he just ran a marathon.

"What's wrong? Where's Bloom?" He asks frantically before his eyes settle on Bloom who was sitting quietly at the far end of the couch and a confused look settles on his face.

"But I got a text saying..." He starts to say before Mark cuts him off.

"I messaged you saying there was an emergency at Bloom's house not that something was wrong with her" Mark states and Blake looks like he was about to protest but he sighs in relief and walks to Bloom side.

He seats besides her and mutters an 'I'm sorry' making her echo his words. He kisses her forehead and then turns to face everyone.

"So what's the emergency?" Blake asks.

Battle of the Heir and Heiress (Heir And Heiress #1) (COMPLETED) ✔Where stories live. Discover now