The King's Thoughts

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Yan Da winched, slumping back into her bed. She groaned, feeling her body ache. Especially down below, she couldn't move.

"Yan Zhu?" 

" What is it?" She answered, not wanting to gave away her current state.

The door opened, revealing Ka Suo. " Are you alright? I heard a crash." 

She cursed, forgetting about the glass that she was holding. " I'm fine. Just a bit sore."
The prince frowned, going near her. Yan Da avoided his gaze. Winching again, when she shifted on the wrong side. " Can you help me up?" 

Ka Suo chuckled, assisting her. He moved her gently. Frowning ng when he noticed the coldness of her feet. " Did you go on a walk last night?"
"Sort of." She answered.
He sighed, kneeling down. "May I?"

Yan Da was confused but she nodded anyway. Ka Suo then took one of her feet massaging it. She gasped in surprised, meeting the prince's amused gaze. She quickly diverted hers, feeling her cheeks heat up. He never fails to shocked her every once in a while. She thought she knew all of his schemes by now but no she was mistaken.

"Did you need something else besides coming in here to check on me?"
"You're very perceptive. I also came here to ask you if you want to come to the Dream Tribe with us."
" Dream Tribe? What for?"
" To attend Xing Jiu and Lan Shang's wedding."

"Ha!?" Yan Da exclaimed in surprise. She didn't know that those two were together and are now about to get married. When did that happen? She thought the mermaid princess liked the man in front of her.

As if reading her mind, Ka Suo answered. " Xing Jiu courted began courting her few days after our battle with the fire tribe. Lan Shang was stubborn at first. Constantly rejecting him but I think something happened that made her change her views and feelings for him."

"Oh...Sure I would love to go with you." She said. The two then felt the baby kicked, making them laugh loud. Ka Suo gently put his hand on her stomach. "You're pretty energetic aren't you?"
Another kick was his answer. Ka Suo chuckled meeting Yan Da's gaze. She grinned. His actions eased most of her hesitations. Ka Suo would be a good father to her child.


Shi observed them quietly. It hurts but he loved them both. He could bear the pain if it's for them. His most important people. Besides the scene, he's seeing now is quite beautiful. Though, there's pain in his heart. Happiness also filled it. If only the four of them could be together...

But he knew that it would be impossible right now. There's still a threat looming just around the bend. He clenched his fists. He knew of his mother's lie. The black smoke, his true father, had been bugging him. Telling him to betray his brother and get revenge on all the people who betrayed and hurt him.

He would have probably succumbed to it. If it weren't for Yan Da, her words have saved him. He smiled. She always did serve as his light. Even though he loved his brother and he has his support, there are times when they weren't enough.
Yan Da filled that gap. She saw his dark side but she still loved and accepted him. She made him love his self.
One more look at his loved ones and he closed the door. Praying that someday, the four of them could be together peacefully... happily.

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