Thoughts and Wishes

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Laughter filled the town of Dream Tribe. It was as lively as ever. Much more now that their king is getting married. Everyone was celebrating.

Yan Da looked around, admiring the beautiful town. It always had been one of her favorite towns. It was lively and vibrant. Warming up her heart.

"Careful," Ka Suo told her when she nearly tripped. She pouted, glaring at the prince.

"It's your fault for making me wear a very long dress." She grumbled. Ka Suo smirked at that. He did it deliberately.

"You look very beautiful though." He said, trying to pacify her. Her brow rose. "Do you really think that would help your case? I already knew that I'm beautiful no matter what I wear."

The prince grinned at that. She truly is different. He loved her confidence. His eyes soften, studying her when she wasn't looking. He loves her. He finally realized it. Looking down, he saw their intertwined hands. His bracelet snug on her delicate wrist.

At first he gave it to her for protection. But now, it was more than that. He hopes that she realized it too because his heart yearns for an answer. He bit his lip, feeling a bit selfish. Is it wrong? But his time is running out and if possible he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

He wanted to see her every time he wakes up. To feel her warmth beside him. To feel her in his arms. To see her smiles every morning and to kiss her good night every end of the day.

"What?" He heard her say, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"N-nothing." He answered, looking forward again. Hope in his heart.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

Yan Da noticed his looks but she kept quiet. But her heart is another, it kept on fluttering continuously.

Aish, you, traitor! She scolded in her mind. You are a part of me but you keep on beating fast for them.

It wasn't only Ka Suo who realized his feelings. Yan Da did too. Though, she still has trouble accepting them. She never thought that she would love two men at the same time.

She loves Ying Kong Shi but she also loves Ka Suo. The two had stolen her heart. She sighed. Is it possible for the three of them to be together? True. She heard of powerful queens having two kings but that's the problem. She isn't one. Besides even if she did become queen will people accept her? She is one of the fire tribe after all. The enemy.

She's safe now because they don't know who she is. Well except for Shi but still... she sighed again, shaking her head.

Yan Da, focus on Ka Suo first right now. That's right. She needs to be prepared. Because if she accepts Ka Suo's love, she knew that the next people she had to face ... were the king and the queen of ice. Ka Suo's parents who'd probably disagree on their marriage.

No matter. She won't give up that easily. It's not in her nature after all.

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