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"Home!" You sigh with a disgustingly large smile, flopping face-first into your bed like a starfish. You spread your limbs to the corners of anything covered in your cozy blanket. A sluggish yawn crawls up your throat.

Today was your first day off work in a while. A few weeks ago the boss called you in a huff with employees running down papers and inputting their stories into computers as if it were an ant arm! Rumours of political corruption and police involvement in the scandal has caused the country to go ape-shit. And guess who was lead in the case for your company?

Your. Potato. Self.

You were so busy running around while having the receiver of the phone practically welded to your cheek, it was no wonder you couldn't eat properly. Sometimes, if the work caught up to you too much, your wobbly limbs couldn't even carry you home and instead opted to bring you to the hotel down the street, or if you pulled too many frustrating all-nighters, your desk was a hospitable second.

So, of course you are thrilled to be back at the dorm for the first time in what feels like ages!

You inhale the crisp scent of your recently washed sheets. Jungkook must have done it in your absence. The boy's a total neat-freak but also oddly really likes the smell of laundry detergent.


Your gaze shifts to the small bunny by the windowsill, sun beaming onto it's stitched face. A suppressed smile blooms across your face.

As much as you hated to admit it, you kind of missed that rascal - not that you are begging for him to mercilessly tease you though. But after such a painful period of no human contact, I guess you can say your standards have reached peak low.

Suddenly, there's a rowdy commotion at the front door. "Ah Jin! Seriously I told you I didn't take it!"

"You my friend, are a thief! Do you know how much those boxes of ramen cost me? More than your future children Taehyung!" You can clearly visualize Jin pulling ultimate uncle move, ranting while his hands are dancing in the air.

Namjoon sighs in his gingery tone, "Jin, those ramen boxes were free samples..."

"Exactly my point!" You roll your eyes at how far Jin's going to protect his false accusation. Silly boy.

When the door flies open and in tramples a stampede of jet-lagged men, you greet them with an animated smile. "You guys are back-!"

Hoseok cuts you off with his sharp shrill, grabbing you by the shoulders and ushering you back into your room like you're impeding on their plans to destroy each other. "Ack! We bought presents! No peeking!"

"Wait! But I-!"

You're cut off by the blanched door slamming in your face. "Yah!" You pound your fist against the solid block of wood, your free hand jiggling the lock. "Can't you take turns or something? You all just got back today!" You whine like a lost puppy wondering a night alley. Yet, as you expected...

No answer.

Great. Just Great.

It's a light tap on the door the stirs you back to conscious reality. You let out a sluggish yawn, eyes fixing on the bleary figure centered in the room as if it's his spotlight. You groan, rolling over to your side in disgust.

There's no way you are ever, not ever, tell him that you miss him. That would only inflate his ego, which is plausibly large enough to make his balls feel jealous.

Desire... Or Blackmail? {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now