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A/N: In every What if chapters, the scenario changes. Like the last, Georgie didn't disappeared in that chapter because that's the what if. In this chapter, Georgie is missing and the things that changed is Beverly. Hope you guys understood.



Waking up inside my room, I rubbed my eyes and walked into the bathroom. Startled by the cold water running from the shower down my back, I screeched in a hoarse voice.

"Carissa, breakfast's ready. Bill and the others are in the living room. Come down after you're done"

My aunt said outside my room. I answered in a soft voice not wanting to exhaust my throat even more. Turning the shower off I walked out of the bathroom and slipped into my undies.

Still picking if I should wear a turtleneck shirt and a pair of jeans or wear my orange jumpsuit. But I picked neither of the two, I just wore a red and white patterned dress with a pair of black leggings and my knee-length boots.

I headed down.

"Hi guys, where are we headed today?"

I asked parading down the stairs with their gazes fixed on me. It was probably because it's rare for me to wear a dress, specially in my least liked color.

I sat down in between Richie and Bill

"W-W-We're planning on g-g-going to the s-s-sewers today, A-A-Aris"

He answered. I nodded and ate my share of food fast. Richie spoke up.

"You just dressed different but you still are the same filthy Carissa we know"

"Oh shut up Richie, I'll stick my boots in your mouth"

I rolled my eyes as the rest of us laughed. I finished with Stanley helping me carry the dishes to the kitchen.

"I wonder what time you slept yesterday A?"

"I don't really know Stan"

"Pfft again with that excuse huh? Hurry up, the rest are waiting for us"

He ruffled my hair. The two of us headed outside and went on our way to the sewers. Dropping our bikes outside, Stanley began pointing to plants and said....

"That's poison ivy....and that's poison ivy....and that's poison ivy" Stanley

"Where? Where's the poison ivy?" Eddie

"Not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley" Richie

"Yup, you really should take your meds Stan. You're getting worse" Me

Billy was the first to go in, followed by me and Richie who's currently arguing with Eddie. The smell got into my nose and shit, it stinks af.

"Okay, well I'm starting to get itchy now and I'm pretty sure--" Eddie

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Richie

"Sometimes, yeah" Eddie

"Then you probably have crabs" Richie

"That's so not funny" Eddie

"Yeah, so would you just shut up Rich? I swear to God, the smells killing me and you're not making it any better" Me

Rolling my eyes we followed Bill. Both me and Richie looked back at Stanley and Eddie just standing at the opening of the sewers.

"Aren't you guys coming in?"

Richie asked Eddie and Stanley. Eddie immediately shook his head.

"Yeah, the hell are you guys doing there? Hurry up"

I stated.

"Uh-uh, that's gray water" Eddie

"What the hell is gray water?" Richie

"The fuck is that?" Me

"It's basically piss and shit, so I'm just telling you. You guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee" Eddie

Richie picked up a stick dipped in the gross gray water Eddie was talking about. And I was like ew, is he sick or something?

"What are you---wait are you serious? What are you--" Eddie

"Are you out of your fucking mind Richie? That thing's dipped in shit, oh God!" Me

Richie still sniffed it. What an idiot.

"Doesn't smell like caca to me señor" Richie

"Caca what? The hell?" Me

"Okay, I can smell that from here" Eddie

Eddie disgustingly commented. Richie talked back again.

"It's probably just your breath walking back into your face" Richie

"Richie, if you don't stop I'll stuck that up your ass" Me

"Okay--Have you ever heard of a staph infection?" Eddie

Richie held it towards Eddie and started throwing things from the water to him. I rolled my eyes and walked ahead.

Bill held up a single pair of shoe, my eyes bulged open. My eyes started to water, but I quickly wiped it and grabbed the shoe from him.


Bill yelled grabbing all of their attention. I gulped, even Stanley looked disturbed.

"Shit, don't tell me that's...." Stanley

"It's my cousin's" Me

"It's Betty Ripsom's" Richie

The rest of them fought and fought each other. Until we heard a splash from outside. Hurrying to what caused that sound.

"Holy shit, what happened to you?"

"That Bowers is really pissing me off" Me

Helping him, the five of us decided to buy some medical supplies. Of course, I came along to buy. We came across Beverly Marsh.

Billy and the others were asking her if she could help us since they don't have any money now. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the things from their hands.

"Guys you don't need to ask her to cover for us, I'm paying"

Quickly buying it before exiting the store lastly I looked at Beverly and she just winked at me. I looked at her weirded before catching up to the group.

But suddenly, my vision once again turned black and I heard a girl's voice....

"Find me Carissa, please. Find me"


A/N: I know it's a bit boring and it didn't make sense but I really like doing this spinoff series so I hope you guys still enjoyed it! Lovelots for you guys!! And this chapter is longer than the previous one so that's an achievement! Yey! And don't read the title it's nonsense, I'll just be changing the title of this spin-off. I'll just change it to Chase or Floating.


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