Door | Past | Black

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Dropping our bikes one after the other Beverly called out to Bill almost opening the well house's door. Hearing a voice again, my eyes directed to a silhouette behind the window.

Bill began his dramatic speech, I wasn't listening. I was still staring at the image of a little girl, and the soft voice I keep hearing.

"Rory, will you play with me?"

My feet began walking towards the girl. But suddenly I got out of my trance from a sudden shake I got from Richie.

"Bill's asking who wants to stay outside. You want to?"

I quickly shook my head and glanced at the empty window. I felt something wanting me to go in.

"Whatever's inside there knows my weakness, and I'm determined to kill whoever that fucker is"

"You aren't scared?"

Holding my hand and squeezing it Richie asked. I sighed out. Fine, I was scared but being scared doesn't make this the least better.

"How would Georgie feel if the persons he's counting on to save him cowers in fear? He'd feel alone and hopeless Richie"

I gritted my teeth. Billy leaded the way, followed by Richie and me, and Eddie was the last to go in. Looking around, spider webs and soot filled the house.

Dead leaves, dead insects and other filthy things can be found lying lifeless on the ground.

"Don't breathe through your mouth"

Richie reminded. I shot him a weirded look and continued looking at every corner of the house.


"'Cause then you're eating it"

As if on cue Eddie brought out his inhaler and dramatically acted like he's running out of breath. I just rolled my eyes and walked to a room. Richie walked in the other.

The other room has old pinkish things around, like dolls and toys for babies. I could totally hear Richie being hysterical in the other room.

"That dickhead sure is noisy. He better pull himself together, he might be cute but he doesn't have the balls. Geez"

I whispered to myself as I ran my fingers to bookshelf near the pink-patterned bed. Soon enough my fingers were covered with dust.

"Rory, play with me"

That voice again, I turned my head and saw a girl hiding behind the closet door. I began to sweat and breath hard with every step I take.

I was close to touching her when...

"Creep let's go"

"Jesus Christ! Richie tell me if you wanna kill me, but please don't give me a heart attack. Gosh"

I jumped in surprise and clutched my fist. Remembering what I was doing, I looked at the closet but saw nothing. I even opened it but a few crows just startled the shit out of me.

"Bill and Eddie went upstairs. Let's go"

Richie pulled me by the hand. I don't know but I can feel my heartbeat getting calmer. I hate to admit it but when I'm with him, I feel safer than I ever was before.

He was like a hot-compress and I'm a corpse. Though I'm shivering in fear on my own, he unconsciously makes me feel comfortable and warm.

I felt my cheeks heating up. This is a first. I have never experienced this kind of sensation. And why the fuck am I feeling it now?

"Richie, I can manage on my own. You don't need to hold my hand"

Closing my eyes I said that to him as we were following Bill. Hoping to feel him let go of my hand, his grasp tigtened instead.

"I am clearly aware that you can walk on your own, but if that thing got you, I'll lose my shit. Literally"

He said sternly. Walking in a cramped hallway with his fingers still intertwined with mine, we heard a scream.

An open door, with a girl on the floor. Facing us, we immediately recognised her. It was Betty.


"That's you right? Betty Ripsom?"

Finishing my question she was pulled by something. We couldn't do anything but watch. I saw Eddie getting a bit far from us so I tried calling out to him.

But it was too late. The door between us and him closed without further ado.

"We gotta save Eddie. Fast"

Scrambling and panicking I withdrew my hand from Richie's and searched for ways out from different rooms. I heard small cracks from underneath me.

"D-D-Don't move too fast Rory"

"Jump to me on three"

Richie said. I breathed in and breathed out until the final crack was heard. Before I fell down, I jumped towards Richie.

Closing my eyes, not knowing if I made it, I called out someone's name.


Silence still filled my surroundings. I began to panic again, then warmth enveloped me.

"You're a troublesome girl you know that? Fuck, I think I broke a rib"

I smiled and looked at Richie who was groaning. I rolled over to his side and helped him up. But then another door opened.

It was figures covered by white pieces of cloth. I had a bad feeling about this, wanting to tell Richie about it I searched for him beside me. But then, I saw inside the room getting locked in.

"Richie! You dickhead! Why'd you go in there!"

I yelled from the other side of the door hoping he would hear me. Bill was trying his best to open up the door so I tried finding a way out of this space.

But that little girl showed up behind another door. And this time, she was smiling and was signaling me to come to her.

I don't know what pushed me to walk to her.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"Who am I?"

She asked mockingly. Growing to a fine woman who was now the same height as me she spoke again as blood gushed out from her neck.

"Have you forgotten me Rory? Your dear sister, you let Daddy kill?"

Hearing the word Daddy, I couldn't breathe once again. Looking at her dark brown eyes, I began to know who this girl is.

"January? Jary is that you?"

"Finally February, finally. It's nice to see you again"

Then her head fell on the ground with a loud thud. I didn't even have enough time to scream or call for help.

I was swallowed by pitch black darkness. And the last thing I heard was a voice I was very familiar with, calling my name.

"No. No. No, stay with me Rory. You're gonna be fine"

That was my Mom's. But another voice resounded.

"You idiot, you should've stayed outside. Look what happened to you, fuck this!"

It was Richie's.

End of Chapter 8

A/N: So that's that for the update! How's the story going? I just revealed who that little girl and that man was okay, it's your turn to guess what really happened. Any guesses guys? And I'll also be updating the SPECIAL SERIES maybe later or tomrrow so stay tuned for the next updates! Lovelots for you guys!


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