4- Stuck in the snow (PruCan)

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It was the middle of winter and Prussia was driving to the airport to get on his flight back to Germany. He knew the flight was probably canceled due to the shut weather but he had to try anyway. Snow flew down around him, enveloping him in a cold white blanket, messing with his vision. His car made strange noises as it shut down, barely hearable over the roaring winds. He had to pull over, he would never make it.

Prussia hopped out of the car and kicked it in annoyance, knowing that the vehicle was beyond saving. "What's wrong?"
Prussia turned around to see the Canadian man behind him.  "My car broke down and I can't go home."
"Stay at my place." Matthew smiled "when the storm stops we can try to fix your car."

Matthew led Gilbert inside, quickly closing the door and then heading to get a blanket for him. "The awesome me thanks you!" Gilbert tells him, plopping down on the floor next to the fire.
"Your welcome."

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