12- Burn (Marliza)

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Eliza ran next door and knocked urgently, knowing that she had given her next door neighbor (and girlfriend) her spare key, so she could visit anytime, even when Eliza was absent or asleep. She had been baking cookies, when her cat rubbed up her leg, wanting to go outside. When she took the cat outside the door had locked behind her and her cookies where going to burn.

"Maria!!!" She called into the house "I need your help!!!!"
"What is it?" The other girl stumbled out into the hallway, her hair messy and her eyes still full of sleep. "It better be good for you to wake me up this early!"
"a) Its ten o'clock and that's not really that early,  b) can you unlock my door? I was making cookies and got locked out."

"I want two."
Maria unlocked the door and they both sat together waiting for the biscuits to cool.

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