19- Sweater Weather (DenNor + Vinland!America)

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Mathais stood next to Lukas in the snow storm. A tiny child, known as Vinland had snuck up besides them and hid himself in their coats. "I'm cold..." He whined.
Mathais laughed and took off his jacket, wrapping it around his small fragile brother. The trio kept walking home through the snow, whatever food they had managed to find in their sack. "Great now I'm cold."

Lukas watched his idiot  brother as he began to complain and came up with the quickest solution. He gave Mathais his jacket back and then handed him the sack, kissing him on his cold lips before picking up Vinland and holding him underneath his own jacket with only the youngers head peeping out. "Is that better Vinland?"
"Yes big brother!"

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