15- Overseas (brotp! Australia x Canada x New Zealand)

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"Hey Jett, Toby." Matthews  voice echoed off the other end of the line "how are you?"
"Fine," he smiled ear to ear "Just missing you." Toby finished for him.
"How are the others?" He asked concerned.
"Trying not to puke." Jett laughed as he turned to face their other brothers and saw India vomited while trying to stomach it. "Nevermind, India just did a big hurl."
"Is Alfie with you?"  Toby asked curiously
"Yes." Matthew answered.
"How come you're not eating?"
"We ate before driving over."

Arthur and the other present nations where all secretly pissed that Canada couldn't make it. Christmas was supposed to be  a time to spend with family not talk over the phone. "Can't talk for much longer. Bye."


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