20- Whats this? (Brotp Jack Skellington x Santa)

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Jack had found himself wondering around in the dark forests surrounding his home, Halloween town, thinking about how his life was going. It could be worse but his inspiration had vanished into thin air and nothing seemed to spark it again. He stepped over a knocked over log and came face to face with something strange. There was a circle of trees, each of them housing a small door in a weird shape, town name inscribed underneath in small writing. A pumpkin, his own home, a four leaf clover, Saint Patricks day, but the one that truly caught his attention was the box shaped door...

He opened it and walked inside. Almost immediately he could see the difference in scenery. "Whats this?" He caught a flaky white thing from the sky "Theres colour everywhere, there's white things in the air! Whats this?"

Santa looked out of the door to his workshop spotting the unnaturally tall man with the unnaturally pale skin and black suit as he walked around in awe. "Whats this? He's a skeleton. Whats this? Whys he in my town? Whats this?"

Jack walked past a group of people who seemed to be very happy. "Whats this? There's people singing songs, the streets are filled with little creatures laughing. Have I gone daffy? Whats this?"

Santa kept a watch on the skeleton through his window "Whats this? Its avoiding everyone, its time it had some fun! Whats this?"
He got up and left to follow the skeleton around the town as he left his view.

"Whats this? The people are throwing white stuff when they should be throwing heads. They're busy building things. Whats this?"
Jack kept walking through the town until he turned around and spotted a laughing oversized man in a red suit.
"Excuse me sir," Jack said "but what's this?"

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