Dear Bullies

71 13 4

Dear Bullies,

have you been drawing on you skin to nullify the pain?
have you seen the chemicals,
your mother injected into her veins,
saying that it was just "medicine"?
have you seen your father,
drink poison until he couldn't tell his family apart?
have you seen him beat your little sister or brother,
to the point where their life left their eyes?
have you tried to protect them from him?
did you ever take sleeping pills to grasp at sleep?
was it because you see the mangled bodies of your loved ones when you close your eyes at night?
did you ever write your story on the bathroom walls of your school?
no matter how you hurt me, or call me names,
just know this,
I've lived through pain,
I've breathed through the thickest of fogs, and,
I've seen through the darkest corners of the world.
don't you think for a second I'm weaker then you.
I'm a survivor and I'll always be better at it than you.

Yours Sincerely,
"Emo Freak"

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