Mo Dao Zu Shi

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The sounds of sword clashing,
And the ear wrecking flute music,
Makes the feral undead growl.
They rip the flesh of the enemies,
Splaying blood all over the war zone.
Resentful energy fills the battlefield,
Signaling the arrival of the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation.
He is a Pied Piper of the Undead,
Leading his enemies to their impending doom.


A/N: This poem was inspired by this anime that I recently watched, its called "Mo Dao Zu Shi" (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation). It is a wonderful anime full of fantasy, side-romance, action and adventure with amazing plot twists and plot line. It is a Chinese anime and it takes place in the ancient era, one of the characters is already shown in the picture and his name is Wei Wuxian, amazing personality and a fun character! The manga is already out and ongoing and if you aren't into the whole LGBT community 🏳️‍🌈, then you may not like the manga but the anime doesn't show much of it but implies it, mostly because China doesn't have it legalized, I think 🤔 . I don't mind it all as long as no one is harmed because they express themselves💁🏻, but the main reason I was drawn to the anime was by the plot line and amazing artwork and animation😍👌🏻! It has both drawn and 3D animations, which is amazingly smooth and I assure you that this anime will not let you down👍🏻! Season one contains 15 episodes and the second season is scheduled to be released on July this year! I simply cannot wait for it and I thank one of my close friends for downloading the anime for me😉!

I believe, you all should check it out, if you are a fellow Otaku or if you're simply looking for something to watch! This anime will not let you down! 💕

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