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                                                                                   Chapter 1:

                                                                              "Finding Magic"

Mason Nathaniel Evans POV:

A new school? They have to be kidding me! I've never even heard of it and even if I had I doubt I'd want to go. As a matter of fact, I don't want to go but I guess I have to. I stepped into my old room and looked at the empty interior. As I was looking around my mom yelled: "Mason come on we're leaving!" I sighed before shutting the door and turning around to go downstairs. I stepped down the stairs slowly and made my way into the living area. I then hung a right and walked to my front door and opened it to see my mother waiting. She gave me an amused look as she said: "you sure took your time!" I shrugged and walked down the cement step and to the packed van. I opened the passenger door and got into the car. I sat down and placed my seat belt in front of my chest and buckled in. I then pulled out a pair of earbuds from in my pocket and plugged them into my cell phone before my mom got into the car. She buckled in and I placed the earbuds into my ears and played my music on full blast as I looked out the window.

It took a while but we finally made our way to our new home. My dad was already here from a day ago when he first went to his new job. I paused my music and took my earbuds out before unbuckling my seat belt and opening the passenger door. I got out and already knew something wasn't right here. I brushed it off as superstition and put my phone and earbuds in my jean pockets. I made my way up the front porch stairs and into the house. Dad already set up our furniture so I went straight to my room and opened the door. As soon as I opened the door I walked to my bed and plopped down onto it on my back.

I stayed on my bed all day and had thought about my life and what it's going to be like. As I was about to doze off my stomach growled and I sighed as I asked myself "Come on, why?" I sat up and looked at my bedroom door. I stood up and made my way to the door and as soon as I opened it I saw my father about to knock and he said: "oh hey Champ!". I gave him an inquiring look and he stated "Look your mom wanted me to come get you. We're going to get dinner and wanted to know what you wanted". I rolled my eyes and said "I don't know maybe 'Sub Direction' It sounds pretty good to me today" he nodded and asked, "is that so?" I nodded and he lifted his chin up in understanding as he said: "well your mother and I are going to go get that then and well while we're out, why don't you go around the neighborhood and meet some new friends?". I nodded and said "okay but you gotta promise me something dad" he looked inquiringly at me as I said "If I don't like anyone here at all, then you won't make me hang out with them if I don't want to okay?" he smiled a small cheerful smile and said while putting his right hand on his heart "I promise". I nodded and he backed up so I could exit my room.

I walked out of my room and shut the door and made my way down the stairs and into the living room. I walked through the kitchen and to a small entrance hallway and put my earbuds in. I grabbed a blue hoodie from the coat hanger and opened the front door. I stuck my left hand into my pocket and turned my music on. I then walked down the road and to a nearby park to sit on a bench. I made it to the park and stood in front of the gate entrance to read the name 'Willow Waters Public Park'? Sounds okay I guess. I entered and saw some parents across the park on the left side sitting on benches and their kids playing on the playsets. I made my way over to a bench on the right side and sat down on the far right end. I sat and watched the sky as birds flew by and without noticing somebody sat down beside me and asked: "it's beautiful isn't it?" I brought my gaze down from the sky and looked to my left to see a girl with Strawberry Blonde hair it was very voluminous and she had pink eyes which I thought was pretty unique. She looked over to me and gave me a closed eyes smile as she said "oh sorry!" she opened her eyes and said "my name is Delilah Bliss" I smiled back and said "hi, my names Mason Evans" I rubbed my flame red hair ruffling it a bit more.

I pushed my glasses up a bit more on my nose as I said "also to answer your previous question, I do think it's beautiful" she gave me a wide smile as she stated "I'm glad you think so! Oh and hey aren't you new here? I haven't seen you around here ever". I nodded shyly and said "yeah, I just moved with my mom and dad I will be going to school at 'Willow Wades Academy' know it?" her eyes widened and her light pink eyes seemed to have twinkled as she said excitedly "know it? I go there! We could become friends! I know it's sudden but do you want to hang out with my friends too?" I blinked a couple times as I asked "uh what? Um, you know what sure!". We stood up and she pulled my arm with her guiding me in the direction her friends were. We made it and I saw two other girls and two boys.

The chestnut brunette got up from her seat on the back of the bench and walked over to us with another girl who had white hair and one rainbow streak in it. As soon as they got up to us I noticed the brunette's eyes were light brown and the one with white hair had lavender eyes. The brunette asked Delilah "Delilah who's this?" Delilah glanced over at her and said: "this is Mason!". The brunette looked over at me and stared me in the eyes intensely but I couldn't look away. After a bit, she said "you seem like a nice guy, hi my name is Emmery Brielle" the one with white hair smiled and said "well if Em can trust you, so can I! My name is Felicity Jonus!" I smiled and said "hi". After they introduced themselves the brunette girl yelled to the two boys "you two come here and meet Mason!". The first was a Platinum Blond guy and he had light blue eyes. He got up and walked over swiftly and stuck his hand out to me as he said: "hi, my name's Levi Furn". I told him "hello" and we let go of each other's hands. The last to come up was a guy with Jet Black hair and Icy blue eyes he walked up to me cooly and said: "my name is Grayson Asher and you are alright with me if Em's alright with you". I smiled and said "it's nice to meet you all" I couldn't help but think to myself 'they seem alright'. 

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