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We were walking down the hallway towards English when Grayson said to Levi "you hear that too right?" Levi looked over to Grayson of whom was standing to my left. My puzzled expression only grew when I said: "I don't hear anything". Emmery grabbed my right shoulder from behind the right side of my back and Felicity did the same to my left shoulder from behind the left side of my back. They both pulled me back towards the three of them and Delilah said: "you may want to stand right here". I was very confused as I asked "why? Does this happen every day?" Emmery spoke up next to say "yeah". I turned to where I was standing and saw a boy running from the other end of the hallway. He had nothing in his hands but his fists were clenched tightly as if he was going to punch someone. Grayson and Levi just stood there, Grayson had his hands in his pockets while he looked calm and Levi had his left hand in his hair with his right hand gripped on his waist. They looked unafraid of the boy and just not worried at all about him. The boy came up fast and jumped into the air pretty high before plunging back down his right fist ready to punch Levi. All Levi did though was reach out an open hand grab the boys fist before saying "nice try" and throwing him down the hall. My eyes widened 'there must have been a lot of force and acceleration put behind that but Levi just acted like it was nothing but a butterfly he had caught'. Their strength is nothing to play at I guess.

Levi turned towards me and said "lucky for us we are here" we turned to our right and saw a classroom door that had the name "Νεράιδα" imprinted on it. I believe that it's a greek meaning but we don't have time for me to sit here and try to translate. Delilah opened the door and said, "hurry guys go in!" I walked in after Felicity and instantly saw at least nine-teen students I hadn't seen previously and a teacher sitting at her desk. She had blue hair which I bet she just dyed since that's not a natural color. Now that I think about it Astro must have dyed her hair purple as well. Grayson and Emmery wasted no time going to the back left corner of the room and sitting down in what I presume to be their seats. Felicity and Delilah followed but sat in the two seats in front of them. Levi stood beside me and said to the teacher "Miss Νεράιδα, we have a new student" Miss Νεράιδα looked up from the hard covered book on her desk in front of her and smiled as she said, "Hello, oh so you must be the student that just moved here to join us!".

Levi tapped my arm lightly with the back of his knuckles as he motioned his hand to follow him and walked off to the middle of the room, away from the rest where there was an open seat. I walked over to where Levi was and heard the teacher exclaim "it seems you already have a new friend if you haven't already befriended the entirety of Levi's group!". I put my books and binder down on my new desk on Levi's right and sat down. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and scratched the back of my head as I said quietly "uh, yeah I guess I did". Miss Νεράιδα smiled a wide grin as she clapped and said insistently "okay students! Eye's to me now!" I looked up at Miss Νεράιδα and listened as she sat down facing us on her desk and explained "since we have a new student, who wants to tell him and the class. What we are learning this week?" she glanced around the room and inquired "anyone?" her eyes landed on someone behind me as she said, "ah yes Haden?" 'Haden' I guess stated "we are learning about varieties of Literature" oh I've already done this. It'll be a piece of cake, for me I hope.

Miss Νεράιδα cheered "very good Haden! Also since you were the only one to raise your hand to answer me, I am rewarding you five bonus points on today's assignment!" five bonus points? Just for being the only one to answer her question? That's insane, but I guess it's fine I mean I can always earn more points I guess. After my tirade in my thoughts about how ridiculously easy it must be to earn extra points in this class, I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Miss Νεράιδα passing out packets of paper. When she got to my desk she whispered "if you need any extra help on the subject just come to my desk and ask" I nodded my head and she grinned before going to Levi and then moving to the two-seats behind us. I looked at the packet and saw some quotes from a book I previously read in my free time. It was called "Wonders In the Meadows of our Mind" the book was about someone who didn't think they were normal but, it turned out that they were the most brilliant of all the students. It was actually a very touching book and it helped me today I guess.

Miss Νεράιδα walked back to the front of the room to a whiteboard and picked up a black inked dry erase marker as she called questioningly to the students "can anyone tell me where the quotes on that packet are from?" I raised my hand instantly. Any faster and I might have outraced the speed of light "I chuckled at my thought silently as Miss Νεράιδα asked "oh I'm so sorry, I didn't ask your name. What is your name dear?" I replied calmly "It's fine, my name is Mason, Mason Evans" she nodded and acknowledged my answer as she continued, "okay, Mason what are the quotes from?" I answered "Wonders In the Meadows of our Mind". She gave a toothy grin and said "correct!" she then babbled on about the subject of the theme of the book. I wasn't paying very much attention since I had already taken this lesson in my AP English class in my old hometown.

The hour flew by fast and as we stood and said goodbye to our left and right neighbors or just a neighbor depending on where you were sitting, the bell rung throughout the school. We grabbed our items and the group of friends met up. Delilah hopped up and down waving to me. Probably signaling me to come over to them. I gathered my last book and placed it on top before heading over to them. They were talking about how boring the lesson was. They then turned to me and Felicity said "you did pretty good for being new!" she smiled cheerfully at me and I just shrugged as I declared "I've already learned this stuff, so it's easy for me" Delilah smirked and said "well then, Mister, how about we get to our second class before you get your first tardy?" she jabbed amusingly at me and I rolled my eyes as I smiled goofily and said "yeah, yeah". We all started walking out of the classroom.

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