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I stood outside of the principal's office not wanting to be in there if the principal asked a question about any conflict. I heard a random yell of anger and a deep voice say "You aren't ready yet Emmery!". I walked up to the door and opened it as I slowly entered and looked at Emmery who was looking at the ground in front of her feet and I heard a small whisper from her say "yes, of course. I understand" she then scurried towards the door by me and opened the door before exiting. The principal sighed and told the rest "out, get out go home. Schools over anyways, you all did a very nice job returning the mural. Have a good day" we all walked out as Grayson walked up to me he asked, "where did Em go?" I shrugged and said, "all I know is she left the principal's room and very quickly". He looked worried as he said "yeah, thanks bye Mason" he ran down the halls probably to his locker. By the time I got to my locker he was gone and Levi looked very down. Felicity was keeping a timid smile but barely. Delilah was deep in thought but it mainly looked as though she was concerned.

I stepped into my home and called "I'm home!" My mother came running fast as she quickly in a concerned tone asked: "where were you, Mason?". I told her "I'm in an after-school club now. My friends asked me to join it's more about science class and history class." I lied with no hesitation to keep her from a heart attack. If she knew she would make us move again. Her worried expression turned into a somewhat joyous one as she said excitedly "that's great! I hope I get to meet these friends of yours sometime soon!" I smiled weakly and said "Yeah, you will but just in time" she chuckled and said, "okay, now come on I made dinner it's nacho's!" I smiled in joy then I asked "is dad home mom?" she smiled back and stated "no, he had to go to work but that's okay! You and I can talk!" I lost my smile and said, "Yeah, mom I'm actually not that hungry I think I'll just heat some nachos up later okay?". She gave a weak smile. I know it's been hurting her lately when dad hasn't been home as much so I've stopped eating as much and talking as much with her as I used to. It's just hard to be how I used to when my dad isn't there very much. When he is I want to spend all my time with him since it's very little time. He always gets called in on his days off. Mom gave me a smile as she closed her eye's cheerfully and she said "oh, alright sweetheart! I'll talk to you later okay?" she opened her eyes slowly and I saw her wet eyes and I told her "okay mom, I'm sorry" she told me voice wavering "It's fine honey, you aren't hungry I won't force you to eat right now" after that she walked away to the dining room. I heard a few weeps which broke my heart but I made my way up to my room.

As soon as I got to my desk I got a call from Delilah and answered. I sat down in my spinny chair and pushed back towards my bed as I answered "hello?" I heard a "hey" and I could tell something was wrong by her voice. I sat up straight in concern as I asked "what happened is everyone okay?" she said "yeah, everyone is fine but, I was hoping you'd let us in for a second to talk" the sudden question confused me as I asked "us?".

I was now sitting in my room with Delilah, Levi, and Felicity wondering where Grayson at the least was. Delilah looked upset as I asked, "where are Grayson and Emmery?" Levi looked down and said "Emmery is..upset" my eyes widened as I asked "how upset?" Felicity covered her mouth before bringing them off her mouth again quickly and saying "no! Not like that. She just won't let anyone in. Not even Grayson." I was confused as I asked, "so where is Grayson then?" Delilah stated "he, well he stayed at her door to be supportive I guess. He really didn't want to leave her side. Levi tried pulling him away from the door to come with us but, instead of getting Grayson Levi got shoved away from the door to the other side of the hallway" my eyes were wide still at this news as I asked "he pushed you that hard? You're friends though" Levi nodded and said "when we first met Grayson and Emmery it was the second year of middle school. They were always conjoined at the hip by eighth grade. We never knew why" Felicity nodded and continued "by the second to third year of high school they started letting us in more and became more friendly. Yes, they were popular. Even so, it was an artificial popularity in Middle school since they never talked to anyone". They still don't talk too much but, they were still that closed off in Middle school but even more so. Why?

After a few seconds Levi spoke up and said "I've never known Grayson to be the type of guy to cry easily either. One day in Middle school we saw him with Emmery tears on his cheek. We saw him start crying today too when Emmery wouldn't open the door, he cried harder when we tried to pull him from the door to here but the tears only made him stronger." Delilah looked down sadly as she said: "it hurts to see him like this". I gave a concerned expression as Levi said: "the only thing he said to us when we were pulling him away was 'don't take me away from her' ". Those words pained me. Grayson crying for his friend? It was strange but the fact that he said those words told me all I needed to know. 

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