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The next morning mom came into my room and said "sweetheart! It's time for school!" I looked up from my pillow. Right, it's Friday. I can't wait for school with my aching arms and headaches. I internally chuckled and remembered something the principal told us yesterday. "Tomorrow there is no school so you can all relax and heal. Two days later coming back to the school after defeating a band of troublemakers must have been hard on you all" I smiled and told my mom "oh there's no school today it's a day off for recording student records" her happy eyes smiling like her mouth made me happy. I'm so lucky to have a mom like her. She walked out of my room slowly and then called to me "okay, well hang out with some friends or something I will be home with dinner at eight!" I called back to her "okay, thank you, mom!" I heard her step down the stairs and then her voice call to me "love you!" so yelled back "love you too!".

As the front door shut I got a text on my phone the ringtone going off. What's the ringtone? Human by Christina Perri. Look I am a boy but I don't care, I can admit when a song is good. It was a text from Emmery. It said to meet them at the park so I got up out of bed groggily and made my way to my closet. I opened the African Mahogany doors and looked in. I pulled out a white T-shirt, Blue jeans, a Brown leather jacket with white fluff and little parts of brown dotted around in the fluff on the hood, and a brown belt with golden buckle. I pulled them on and buckled my belt. I then went to my bedroom bathroom and put my fire red hair in a front spike and placed my glasses on. After that, I looked at my outfit and smiled. As I walked out of the bathroom I slipped and fell onto my bedrooms wooden floor. "It's always nice to have the smell of pine in the morning" I mocked myself jokingly before hearing the ringtone going off again this time suggesting I got a call. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone hitting answer before saying "hello?". Emmery answered and asked "Mason, are you on your way? Where are you?" I chuckled and said "well, I'm currently on the ground on my bedroom floor" she sighed and asked, "why, is that Mason?" I awkwardly said "I slipped walking out of my bathroom" I swear I heard her chuckle as she said "come on, get off the floor and hurry down here! We found something cool" I smiled and told her exuberantly "I can't wait I'll be there in a few!" she mumbled something and I heard Levi yell "Emmery don't say that!" then I heard what sounded like the phone being thrown around and people fighting over it until Emmery yelled "get off of me wanker!" and then the phone hung up. I started laughing and stood up from the floor. Oh, I have to see this! I booked it down the stairs and to the park. When I made it there it was only a few minutes later and I saw the most wonderful sight. Levi was sitting on Emmery's stomach and she was yelling at him furious. I ran up laughing and stood beside a laughing Delilah, Felicity, and Grayson. I then looked at Levi and asked: "what did you find?".

Levi got off of Emmery and she punched him in the arm which was already starting to bruise as she said "suka!" and kept walking. Levi stopped walking and smiled down at the ground as he laughed at her angry state. I walked up to him and said "I would be scared of her right now if I were you" he looked at me still laughing and said while grinning stupidly "yeah, I know. She wouldn't transform though. Especially not to hurt a friend" I gave a contempt smile and we walked on to a river where a cave was next to it and the water was flowing out. Emmery turned around and smiled at me as she motioned for me to come to her. I made my way to her and looked in only to find the water sparkling. I turned to her puzzled and she smiled before I fell forward from a push on my back into the water. I came up from under the waters stream fast and looked around the rest were smiling but Grayson was laughing until Delilah pushed him in. Next to push someone in was Levi, he pushed Delilah in and then Emmery pushed Felicity and Levi in and laughed until we came out of the water and hugged her. She was so mad she kept yelling that we were all suka's all we did was laugh and kept hugging.

When we finally let go we sat on the bank of the stream and laid in the sun forming a circle. We laid there and pointed out shapes from the clouds and when Delilah said she saw a duck I told her it looked like a rabbit and Emmery told us "no, it clearly looks like a trash panda" we looked at each other and started laughing loudly. When we calmed down we played tag across the stream and through. It was pretty fun and when it was over with it was seven and the stars and moon were out. I heard a wolf sing and we pointed to constellations Delilah knew them all of course. Delilah astonishes me sometimes, that's not saying the rest don't but she just has a certain aura.

After a while, I said my goodbyes and I went home. When I got there I went to the living room and sat on the couch while watching Dancing Free until my mom came home. When she entered my dad entered behind her and she had Taco Gold in her hands while dad had drinks. We went to the dining room table and mom passed out the food and dad passed out the drinks. When we finished eating we went our separate ways and I went to my room. I went to sleep for tomorrow since it's Saturday I actually get to sleep in.

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