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I never would have guessed that was her past. It seems so horrible. How she suppressed her powers from taking over during that is beyond my knowledge. It's been a few minutes now and Grayson hasn't let go. Emmery has loosened her grip and is just awkwardly sitting there being hugged. Finally, Delilah walked in with a cookie in mouth and three more in her hands. I chuckled at her face because she was smiling with a cookie in her mouth. She reminded me of a dog. More like a puppy actually. Her slender frame made its way over to me and handed me a cookie as she finished hers and she spoke quietly and softly saying “her mom made cookies for us” I nodded and finally Emmery spoke up and said “Grayson, you need to let go, you might crush me otherwise” he didn't move. Was he asleep? I moved over and touched his shoulder lightly. He turned towards me to face me slowly and I said “hey, you might want to apologise to Levi now, right?” He nodded and stood up after letting go of Emmery quietly. We walked in a comfortable silence to my house.

Felicity said “ah ha! Eureka, I know, it's the swivel chair!” Levi chuckled and told her “nope”. That's all I heard as I entered the room. As the four of us entered the room Felicity and Levi stood up and came up to us. Levi a bit more uncertain but Felicity instantly hugged me as she said “I knew you could get Em to come around!” I smiled in contempt and after a few more seconds we let go of the hug and Levi lifted an arm to me for a high five. I high fived him and we then went down low and to the top of our hands. Afterwards he looked at Grayson and Grayson gave Levi some type of sad eyes that instantly you knew you couldn't stay mad at. Grayson then looked down and said “Levi I'm so sorry man, I just was panicked because Emmery’s never locked me out like that before. I just didn't want to leave her side. I’m sorry” I gave a small sincere smile to Levi as Levi gave Grayson a look. Not of anger but of regret or remorse. Soon after looking at Grayson Levi told him “It's okay I forgive you. I shouldn't have tried to pull you away in the first place. I know how much you two mean to each other. Trust me Delilah, Felicity, and I are the same way. If someone ever hurt them they would not live to see daylight.” Grayson chuckled and said “Yeah, we would all see to it. Especially you and Emmery” Levi gave a weak laugh and said “yeah”.

We were at the dining room table in my house and all eating nachos. We joined my mom. Hey, she did say she wants to meet them all. As we were sitting my mom asked Levi and Grayson “you young men are the boys who my son is hanging out with?” Levi and Grayson’s faces were drained of color. I gave a small mischievous smirk as Levi asked in a small voice “yes… Ma’am?” My mother's serious expression instantly changed into one of joy. She exclaimed “That's fantastic! Boys like you are sure to be great influences on Mason!” I was scared for what she was going to say but thankfully she didn't say anything embarrassing. My mom then asked “So which one of you pretty girls likes my Mason?” there it was. The girls faces turned pink and they all broke eye  contact with anyone. I then told my mom “mom that's enough, I think they should all get home now” my mom chuckled and said “of course Mason! You all have a very good night okay? Oh and you poor girls I was only kidding!” their faces seemed so relieved and Levi and Grayson just shrugged.

Everyone by this point was about to leave when Levi got a call on his cellphone. Everyone stopped and stood still. He answered the phone “hello?” we were all confused as Levi and the other person talk he said “okay, we'll all be right over, goodbye”. We looked at Levi confused until he said “that was the principal he has our numbers for missions that need to be done after school. We have another mission. Do you think you could make it Mason?” I shrugged and told Levi quickly “I'll go ask real quick. How long will it last?” Levi shrugged and said “he didn't say but by the sound of his voice I would say a couple days” I nodded and ran to my mom. She was surprised to see me again and I asked “mom can I go with my friends? There's a school thing this week and it's going to last a few days” she smiled and said “if it makes you happy go ahead” I smiled and hugged her tight as I said “thanks so much mom!”. I ran back out to meet up with them at the door and told them “she said I can go with you guys” Felicity yelled “Great! Let's head out!”.

We made it to the school pretty late, since it was about seven or eight in the afternoon and Levi opened the front doors. Grayson whistled and said “must be a pretty hard mission for him to call us in this late at night” Delilah nodded and said in a concerned tone as well “It's pretty creepy in here actually when the lights are mostly off and the halls aren't bustling with people” she shivered and Levi asked “are you cold? I can hand you my hoodie” Delilah nodded to her best friend and said in a grateful manner “Thanks Levi”. We continued walking until we got to the principal's office and entered. His room was lit up by his lights and he was standing by the window behind his desk. Felicity knocked on the open door and the principal turned around as he said “ah, take a seat”.

Sacred WhispersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora