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As I was finally dozing off to a good sleep, my phone's ringtone went off. I opened my eyes and glared at my phone before reaching onto my bed stand and accepting the call. When I put the phone to my ear the only thing I heard was a scream and I was now wide awake. I asked rapidly "hey, are you okay?" I got a muffled response at first but then I heard Delilah's voice through the phone as she said: "Mason, Felicity's gone rogue!". My expression stiffened as I asked "what do you mean Felicity's gone rogue?" she started laughing and yelled "Mason help! She's tickling me to death!" I rolled my eyes in a bit of frustration mixed with amusement and asked "is this really such a horrible thing that you had to call me as I was about to fall asleep?" her voice sounded sincere as she asked "I woke you up?" she quickly said "I'm sorry!". I rubbed my eyes to keep them open and told her "it's fine".

Next thing I knew Felicity was talking through Delilah's phone to me. Felicity spoke with her soft voice as she said "Hi Mason, I'm sorry Delilah kept you up" I sighed and told Felicity "It's fine, really" she chuckled and said "okay, good. Now what I really wanted her to tell you is that we have a new mission!" I closed my eyes for a second to rethink what she just said. It still hadn't changed. So I asked just so enthusiastically "when?" she giggled and said "now, you dork" I gave a small smile of amusement and said "okay, where?" she shushed me through the phone and told me "you'll see when you get here!" I got up and ready before heading out with her giving me directions to where they were. It helped that Levi had a photographic memory. When I got there, all I saw were giant iron boxes with spray-painted graffiti. I guess they just pranked me. I shrugged and ran a hand through my hair as I closed my eyes and sighed. Not out of disappointment, no, I sighed out of relief.

I opened my eyes and turned to walk home when I was tackled to the ground by someone. They sat on my back and asked: "are you okay?" I turned to look at them but failed since my head can't turn all the way around. I plopped my forehead back down into the dirt before saying "could you please get off of me?" the person gasped and scrambled off of my back. They stood bowing to me and saying they were sorry very fast over and over again. I got off of the ground and turned around towards the person to see...

A girl with honey blonde hair and bluish greenish eyes, hidden behind a pair of boxy black framed retro glasses. She was wearing a pair of shorts that were white, a brown belt, and a blue tank top, with a blue matching hoodie tied around her waist. I smiled and put a hand on her shoulder as I said "it's fine, really" she looked up at me and smiled. Just then Delilah, Felicity, Emmery, Grayson, and Levi all walked over to us and Delilah yelled "that's where you went, Sabrina! We've been looking for you all night!" I was very confused. That is until Sabrina said, "you told me to tackle him". Levi chuckled and said "we meant Grayson" she gave an oh of realization and chuckled. Felicity looked at me and said, "we're so sorry, I hope you aren't mad about this". I shook my head left to right slowly and stopped to tell her "Nah, it's fine". I then pointed to this Sabrina girl and asked: "now, who's this?" Sabrina walked forwards towards me and stopped to bow as she said "I am Sabrina Bliss, I am so very sorry. I didn't mean any offense by what I did!" Bliss? I looked from Sabrina to Delilah with a quizzical look and pointed to Sabrina as I asked Delilah "is this your sister?" Delilah nodded and smiled as she said "she's a year younger than me. She also wanted to go on a mission with us. She asked as we were heading to go meet with the principal. I hope you don't mind" I gave a sideways smile at first and then it dropped into an excited one as I proudly told Sabrina "this will blow your mind! Your sister is so cool! So are the rest but I would respect your sister if I were you". She chuckled and Delilah smiled. Grayson and Levi came up behind me and put their elbows on my shoulders. Emmery was beside Grayson and Felicity was beside Levi. Delilah and Sabrina were in front of us talking.

We all began walking to wherever the mission was, I still had no clue. I forgot to ask, I'm so airheaded sometimes! I looked to Emmery as I asked: "so, where is this mission at again?" Em smiled at me. Wait, Em? Since when do I call Emmery Em? Heh, I guess I've become pretty comfortable around her. I didn't think I would since she seemed so tense but when you actually get to know her, she's nothing like that, well all the time. She responded, "Well, do you remember that place from last mission?" I nodded in turn and she continued "Principal Klein wanted us to check it out and make sure they did as told" I nodded. Hopefully, Lucius won't come back.

We made it there in no time and Levi told us "I'll ask some friends to check it out for us real quick" the rest nodded. Well, everyone except Sabrina. She was about as confused as I was. When she looked over at me with a questioning look on her face I shrugged. Next few seconds later and Levi said: "well, the butterflies said it was empty and it has been since we left". I asked without thinking "you talk to bugs?" he looked at me sort of offended as he said "they're my comrades. They prefer to be called insects thank you. Lastly, on things that were wrong with what you just assumed, I also talk to mammals. Only 'animals' that live on land anyways. Fish are out of my territory. That's one more thing Gerald has that I don't I guess." Gerald? I've never heard this Gerald mentioned before. Weird. 

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