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It's Saturday... Wait! It's Saturday, yes! I opened my eyes and looked at my alarm clock to see the time said 12:34 and smiled. I actually got to sleep in finally! My muscles actually aren't aching! Well, I mean if I have enough for them to ache. That thought kind of put a damper on me, but nonetheless I got out of bed and made my way over to my wardrobe. This time I grabbed out a white t-shirt with some blue jeans and black socks. I then made my way to my bedroom bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth, flossed, and put my glasses on. I was singing along to a song by my favorite artists. They did a duet to Ice Princess by Galli Iris. Galli Iris did the duet with Vex Terium and it was so awesome!

I finished getting ready to take on the world and went back into my bedroom. I then took two steps forward and forgot why I was in my room again, in the first place.

I took the palm of my left hand and slapped my forehead with it as I asked: "how stupid can I get?" I took a few steps back and turned around to look at the full body mirror that's hanging on my bathroom door. I looked at myself through it and shrugged. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to the kitchen. As I came around the corner I saw my dad sitting on a stool in front of the counter with his hands on his forehead and he looked exhausted. I didn't have the time to ask about his night, it's not like he had time to ask me that either. So, as I was walking out of the kitchen to go get my shoes and leave I stopped and turned to look at him briefly as I asked "did you stay up all night working, again?" he looked up at me with bags under his eye and nodded before saying in his raspy voice probably from a sore throat "yeah, work drains you but I need to in order to maintain our bills for this house right?". I turned around and looked at the window in front of me with a glare as I said "no". He didn't respond in enough time before I walked out of the doorway and to my shoes in the doorway on the rack. I put them on and my red hoodie and walked out the front door.

I walked towards the library of which was not at all a planned destination for me. I just kind of ended up here. So, without a second thought, I headed in. I looked around at the books until I found one of interest and gripped it. I then proceeded to search for a lounge area to sit down in. I found one and saw a girl sitting in the middle of the table on a wooden chair. I walked over and sat down beside her on another wooden chair and looked outside to see it pouring. I sighed and then asked the girl "It's going to be such a lovely day today isn't it?" she looked at me and asked "Mason?". It was Emmery. She had wide eyes as she asked: "what are you doing here?" I shrugged and told her "I was just taking a walk and came across the library so I decided to stop in to read a book". She chuckled and said "well, I guess that makes sense. So, it's raining huh?" I nodded and told her "yeah, but at least you aren't by yourself or vise versa" she smiled and nodded her head side to side like she was contemplating what I just said and she responded, "yeah, I guess you're right".

We sat in Silence and read our books. It wasn't an awkward silence, no it was more of a comfortable silence. Halfway through my book, I heard a familiar voice say "aw, the nerd has actually befriended Emmery" I looked to Emmery's right and saw Daron. He pulled the chair out from under the table beside Emmery and placed it beside her. He sat down and put his left arm around her. She tensed up quickly and told Daren "take your arm off of my shoulders, before I rip it off" he rolled his eyes and said "don't be rude babe" she took her eyes off her book and looked at Daren from the corners of her eye's and actually she had a piercing glare. She then yelled at him again "I said not to touch me!" she grabbed his arm and twisted it around throwing him off of his chair and onto his knees on the ground as she stood. He looked like he was in a lot of pain so I told Emmery "Hey, Emmery you should lay off of him a tiny bit he's in a lot of pain" she looked to me and her features softened and she let go fast. She then sat down and opened her book up before putting it in front of her face and sinking down into her chair.

Daren stood up and rubbed his arm before looking at me and saying "thanks ne- Mason" I smiled and asked "uh, well do you want to read a book with us? We'll be here until the rain stops or until the library closes if the rain doesn't stop" he smiled and said "sure". I stood up and pushed my chair in. I placed my bookmark in the crease of the page I was on and closed the book to help him look for a book he'd like.

We made it to the sports section and he told me no to every single book about sports. He then walked over to the science section and picked out a book about the theoretical continuum of space and time and then showed it to me. His cheeks were a bit pink suggesting that he was embarrassed. I put my right hand on his shoulder and told him "don't be embarrassed. Be proud! I would love to be a genius in science or an inventor in the future! Go for it!" he smiled and nodded. We walked back and sat down on our chairs and read until it turned five and the library was about to close. Emmery checked out my book and hers and Daren checked out his own and we exited. It was still raining so I put my hood up and Emmery pulled out her umbrella. Daren and I started walking behind her until he stopped so I waited for a second but Emmery was off in her own little world humming a tune. Daren pulled an umbrella out of his backpack and put it above us as we walked so I put my hood down. There was a nice comfortable silence until Emmery turned around to look at us and gave a big smile. That's the first time I've ever seen a smile that big. She then called to us "my house is that way! Bye guys! It was nice hanging out with you today!" I waved at her as she turned around fast and ran towards her house with her book in her left arm and her umbrella in her right hand. Daren and I came upon my street and we were going separate ways so I put my hood up and gave him a smile as I said "it was nice hanging out with you Daren. I hope we can hang out at school on Monday or something!" he smiled back and said "yeah, I hope so too Mason" he waved as I waved and I walked to my front door as he went down the opposite road. When I got to the front door I used my house key and unlocked it to hear still silence and frowned. Why did it have to end so soon?

I walked in and shut the door behind me before locking it and heading to my room. When I got to my room I saw a note neatly written on my door that said "we'll be on our business trips until Monday, be good! Love Mom Signed Dad. He's too proud to even say he loves me. I took the note and crumpled it in my right hand as I used my left hand to open my bedroom door. When I entered I threw the crumpled ball into my trash can by my desk and shut my bedroom door. I laid on my bed and thought about the day.

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