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Something happened in the past. Something that makes him afraid to leave her. What could it possibly be? I don't know. I stood up and told the three who were sitting on the ground in front of me "I'm going to Emmery's where does she live?" Delilah stood up first and said "I'll take you there. He might not want to see Levi right now" I nodded in understanding and Levi did as well. I told her "then let's go" she gave a quick nod and we head out. When we got to Emmery's her mother opened the door after Delilah knocked and Delilah brought me up the stairs into a wide hallway to a door with a certain raven haired teenage boy sat with his forehead to the door. I walked over to him and told him "Grayson, come on back up for a second I'll see if she'll talk to anyone" his eyes were puffy and pink from the tears and he nodded in a disheartened way.

I knocked on the door and heard a quick sniffle. I called out "Emmery, you in there?" I got an answer of "Mason?". I gave a weak smile as I said "yeah" I heard footsteps shuffle up to the door but they stopped right at the door as she asked, "why are you here?" I put the palm of my right hand on the wooden door and told her "I'm here because I care. We all care Emmery especially Grayson he's been at your door since they all got here and probably longer. He cried for you Emmery" I heard Emmery grip the doorknob as she asked "really?" I told her through the door "yeah, really. Listen can we talk for a minute?" she twisted the doorknob and opened the door. Emmery's side braids were taken out her hair was a mess, her eyes puffy and pink matching Grayson, and her face was flushed pink from crying. She backed up a bit for me to enter as she gave one glance to Delilah and Grayson. I entered her room and sat on her bed she shut the door and sat down at her wooden desk. Emmery turned the chair around and brought her feet onto the seat with her. I then asked "what happened in Middle school?" her eyes were as wide as they could get and she asked "what?" I told her "Levi, Felicity, and Delilah all told me about how closed off in Middle school you two were. What happened before that?".

Emmery started telling me "it was Middle school. I had my first boyfriend and I thought everything was perfect. My best friend Grayson and I were thriving and popular at the time for how charismatic we were and some from how we look". I nodded for her to continue as she took in a deep breath and she continued "Like I said, I thought everything was perfect. It wasn't, my 'boyfriend' he was abusive, I got hurt over the stupidest things. He called me names as he hurt me. Mentally and Physically. I thought that was how a relationship was supposed to work and well I never told Grayson about the problem. Finally one day I went to school with a black eye and Grayson was furious. He kept asking how I got it and I always told him it was an accident, I hit my eye with my phone. He started watching me more carefully until one day my 'boyfriend' waited for me outside of school to 'walk me home' we started walking and when he thought that no one was around he slapped me. Grayson turned out to be right behind us and he ran up to my 'boyfriend' and punched him right in the nose. He knocked him onto his behind. Grayson yelled so loudly and angrily I cried. We broke up that minute because of that and Graysons been by my side ever since and we trusted no one. Eventually, our friends now came up to us and worked their way to be our friends. Now here we are." My eyes were wide. I heard the door open and in walked Grayson, he looked tired, weak, and miserable. As soon as he got a glimpse of Emmery he ran over and enveloped her in a tight hug. The only thoughts running through my mind were his previous words.

"Don't take her away from me". 

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