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The next morning I heard my mother's voice call through the door as she said "Mason it's time for you to get up! Your father and I have to head to work, there's breakfast on the kitchen counter by the fridge! Have a good day!" I pushed the blanket off of me as I said back "yeah bye mom tell dad I said bye too!". I got up off of my bed and made my way to my closet looking through it I found the uniform. I placed it on. The blue outline of the ties design went nicely with the white pants and black blazer. The formal shoes my mom had bought me to wear with it matched nicely. I put the new outfit on and threw the old clothes into the hamper before heading into my bedroom bathroom and brushing my teeth. I then flossed and used mouthwash.

 After I had finished with my dental hygiene I grabbed my comb and combed my hair before adding a bit of hairspray to the front of my hair to keep the soft hair but with it looking as if it was fluffed. I smiled and placed my glasses on as the final touch. I then made my way out of the bathroom and into my room and grabbed my necessities for the school day and my phone and made my way out of my room and down the staircase. After I took my last step off of the staircase I walked out to the living room and to the entrance doorway and opened the front door. I stepped outside and made my way to the bus stop. I am fifteen get off of my case, I am a senior based on my incredibly high intellect and scores so they bumped me up a few years.

 As I was waiting for the bus I watched a car pull up in front of me. It really wasn't shabby, actually it was sweet. It was a black car it looked like a Cadillac Ciel. The car hit the brakes gently in front of me and was put into park before someone opened the driver door and stood up. It was Levi and he smiled as he walked over. I am not imagining things I swear I literally saw his teeth sparkle when he smiled! 

He raised a hand up in a high fiving position as he said "hey man! Nice to see ya'! What are you doing here?" I high fived Levi and told him "waiting for the bus why are you here Levi?" he smiled a bit brighter and I actually feel like if he smiles any bigger that he might blind me. Levi then stated "well, I saw you standing here and decided to say hi but if you're waiting for the bus, wanna catch a ride? It's only Felicity, Delilah, and I" I was caught off guard as the two girls got out of the backseat left door and waved at me as Delilah said "hey Mason!". Felicity smiled widely as she said "hey!". Now just taking in my surroundings I notice girls staring at Levi and dudes hitting each other lightly on the chest with the back of their hands probably in order to tell them that Levi was here. I smiled at Levi and said "sure! Sounds good dude!" he raised a fist and said "all right! Let's go!" Felicity and Delilah yelled an excited "yeah!" and we all got into the car Levi and I in the front two seats and the girls still in the back two. We made it to school actually fairly quickly and got out of the car after Levi got into a parking spot and put the car into park before turning the engine off. 

We all walked up to the front doors and as soon as we entered I looked around in amazement as the halls were huge! We made a left turn from the front doors and walked straight for a few seconds before making another left and heading into a packed Cafeteria where there were teens everywhere talking and undoubtedly waiting for school to start. I followed Levi to a corner where I saw two very familiar faces sitting on a table cooly as if being here didn't phase them one bit. It was Grayson and Emmery. Emmery was sitting on the actual side of the table with her legs crossed right leg over the left and Grayson on the other hand was right beside her with his body turned so that his left foot joined the rest of his body on the top of the table while his right foot was on the seat below him. We made our way up to the two of them and as we approached I watched as a group of girls came running over to the two of them. 

I backed away as the auburn redhead asked Levi "Levi, who's the new kid?" I looked around the room as Levi stated nonchalantly "this is Mason he's a new friend but he's a pretty cool dude you ladies should get to know him too". The girl with short curly dark purple hair giggled and said "i'm sure he is if you all like him" after that statement Emmery spoke up and inquired "What is that supposed to mean Astro?" Emmery's voice echoed through the room and everyone and everything fell silent as they watched what was taking place. The girl I suppose that is called Astro said "oh nothing except, you guys can be a bit snobbish to some people" I looked to Delilah as Delilah's eyes widened and then back to Emmery as Emmery glared as a warning and stated "I would watch my tongue if I were you Astro. You are not even supposed to be around us I thought we had made that clear. We don't like you nor' do we want you around". Astro looked about ready to explode with anger as she said "oh my Grayson! Are you going to let your rude friend talk to me like that?" Grayson gave a death glare close to Emmery's but not as bad as hers as he said "I am. You are nothing but a brat Astro you need to leave. Why come running to us if only to criticize us and try to give us a bad name. We had previously thought we made this clear. You are not one of us and never will be. Please leave before I lose my cool" looking around at Delilah, Felicity, and Levi as well I am guessing that it really isn't only the two of them that feel that way towards Astro. Astro glared as she said "fine, goodbye". 

She walked away with her short curly hair bobbing up and down. Delilah looked over to me and said "sorry about that Mason, we've been having problems with her and her attitude towards us for quite a while but we never thought she would act so selfishly when the new kid was around us". I shrugged and said "it's fine" but I then remember how coldly Emmery talked to Astro and said "although it seemed a bit cold" Felicity told me "well she did dye Delilahs hair green for two months straight, crash Levi's car on purpose into the school pool. Don't ask me how she did it I have no clue, put water on my seat in art and acrylic paint, threw ink at Grayson's new white outfit, and well Emmery won't tell us what Astro did to her but it must have been pretty bad considering that that's the way she talks to Astro now". I gave a hiss of concern as I asked "that bad huh?" they all nodded. A few minutes later the room started going back to its bustling noisy sound and girls were surrounding Levi, Grayson and I and boys surrounded the girls. 

Emmery not caring as if she was not interested in anything having to do with the place around us and the other two just casually giggling as guys flirted and lightly blushing to play off a role of feeling adored when to me it was obvious all of them were tired of it. I have to admit even I was already getting tired of my acting super interested in everything. Finally, when I was starting to get a headache the bell rung and I got up with the rest of the group. They showed me their schedules and we had all the same classes together. We walked down the halls and Grayson showed me to my locker. His locker was right next to mine and right behind me across the hallway was Levi's, and Felicity's. Delilah's was two or three lockers to the left of theirs and Emmery's was two lockers from mine on my right. Once I got everything out of my locker that I would need for the day we made our way to English. 

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