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Delilah hasn't let go of my arm yet, I'm pretty sure she's cutting off my circulation. After a minute of staring at my arm I think Delilah got the hint and she let go of my lower arm. I pulled my arm over to my side and slowly rubbed the place her hand was as she said "oops! Sorry!". I shrugged and smiled at her as I told her "It's fine Delilah". She gave an indecisive smile and Levi said "well let's play some VolleyBall, tomorrow is Monday, the end of the weekend". Delilah gave an excited clap and Felicity said in excitement "you're right!" Levi looked at everyone and they all nodded and then he looked at me. As his eyes landed on me he asked "what do you think Mason? Want to play with us?" I smiled in contempt and said eagerly "uh yeah sure! Sounds fun!". We walked to the sanded VolleyBall court and net and got into our positions. I was on a team with Delilah, and Levi while Emmery, Grayson, and Felicity were on the opposing team. Felicity's team served first and Emmery was the server. She must have taken me as a pro because she didn't go easy. She hit the ball hard and high into the sky. By time it came down we all ran out of it's way and jumped to the ground covering our heads. The ball hit the ground and I turned my head just in time to see a cloud of sand. Emmery put a fist into the air as Felicity yelled "One-Zero!" Grayson smirked and said "that's Emmery for ya". I twisted my body to the left and planted my butt firmly into the sand as I looked at the place where the VolleyBall is. The sand cloud was starting to lighten up and the ball wasn't a ball anymore. My eyes were wide as Delilah said "wow, that was actually the longest game of VolleyBall we have ever played!" I started blinking rapidly as I asked "that was the longest?" Felicity nodded and said "well, the longest the ball has lasted when Emmery serves" I gawked at those words not of astonishment but, out of fear that I might end up like the VolleyBall if I make one wrong move. Grayson came over and put a hand down to help me up as he stated "well, that was fun while it lasted". Emmery shrugged and said "kind of" Levi then chuckled and said "I want to hear more about our new friend here" I pointed to myself and asked "me?" Levi nodded and everyone else joined as Emmery said "yeah". I shrugged and said "well, there's not much but here I go. I love math, science, and history uh, I had a small group of friends at my old school and my favorite food is spaghetti. Oh and my favorite game is Heart Stone." They all nodded and Grayson said "cool, what's your favorite sport?" I thought for a bit and said "soccer, I played a lot when I was younger". Levi smiled and said with enthusiasm "really? That's so cool! So did I!" I smiled in comfort and awkwardly chuckled. I felt a vibration in my right front jean pocket and reached in and grabbed my phone. I turned it on and saw a message from my mother. She said to come home it was getting late and they had the food. I smiled and texted her back an okay before saying "sorry guys! I have to go home dinners ready!" they nodded and Delilah said "okay bye Mason!" there was a mix of goodbyes and then I heard Felicity ask "wait! Will we be seeing you at school tomorrow?" I thought about it and Delilah did say they got to Wading Waters Academy so I said to them happily "yeah, I guess you will! Bye!" I ran off and looked behind me at the waving friend group I am now apart of. I made my way up the cement step and into the house. I took my shoes off at the door and placed them on the rack and then took my hoodie off and tied it around my waist. I then walked to the dining room and saw my parents sitting down and waiting for me. I sat down where my food from Sub Direction is and started eating. My mom then asked "so meet any new friends?" I shrugged and said "I guess so, I met these two guys and these three girls today. We played VolleyBall and talked" my dad smiled and said "that's good" I again shrugged and said "I guess it is huh?" I smiled at the memories and my mom said "of course you've already made five new friends! Who wouldn't want to be friends with you huh? My little cutie!" I flinched at the nickname and said "mom I love you too but knock it off with the pet names please" she chuckled and said "okay, I just love you so much!". I shook my head before continuing to eat my sub. When I finished my food it struck seven and I got up and crumpled the wrappers before walking to the trash and throwing them away. I then made my way up the stairs and into my room. I walked to my bed and sat down on the side before laying back and maneuvering my body until I was straight on the bed with my left side under me and the blanket covering me. I looked at the star-shaped birthmark on the palm of my right hand and sighed before falling asleep. Maybe this new transition isn't a bad thing after all.

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