Page. 19

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My vision went blurry for a few seconds and I got dizzy. I stepped around until everything was back to its original state and looked around. I was outside of the cell and I was where I was before being taken into custody along with Sabrina. How did I get here? Sabrina looked guiltily at me as I asked: “uh how did we get out?” she met my gaze and said “I showed you the reality we would have been in if you hadn't shot fast enough. You have a few seconds before it becomes true” I didn't question her and I nodded determinedly. I got into shooting position and waited for them to be right in position and shot. The bullet transferred as I calculated it to and knocked them all down. I shot each of their radios as they all pulled them out to call for backup. This seemed too smooth though. I ran in and saw one that was one the ground holding his kneecap as it bled out and he had the keys on the pocket chain. Dang, it! I watched as Sabrina stepped forwards and pulled out a tooth that was attached to a strong piece of wood as the handle. She bent down and I aimed the gun’s barrel at the guys head as she cut his pants ring and stood up while holding the chain and keys. She dangled them as she asked “now, where are our friends and my sister?” the man refused to tell.

I’d never seen such a terrified expression as she lifted the man into the air like he was a bag of empty boxes. She looked him in the eyes and in seconds he looked lifeless. She dropped him to the ground and closed her eyes. She turned to me and opened them as she said “he really didn’t know. So they must not be guarding them in this cell block.”

I didn’t know how to respond properly except to inquire “what did you do to him?” she looked at the guy with disgust as she said “I searched his mind. Not much in there, but I did find out that they have some higher-ups.” I kept my gaze on the paralyzed man on the ground as I asked “will he be okay?” she didn’t answer me.

“Will he be okay, Sabrina?” Sabrina looked over at my angry and concerned face as she said as if it was nothing “It will take three weeks for his recovery. I made sure he wouldn’t be able to remember what happened.”

I looked away revolted with the idea of erasing someone’s mind. I crossed my arms uncomfortably. I heard footsteps padding across the cement yet chalky floor. We got into stances to protect ourselves until a familiar boy came skidding to a halt in front of us. It was Daren and he had a blonde friend, I am assuming, next to him. The boy next to him had medium length blonde hair and it was as straight as needles. His eyes were a smoky grey and he was tan. He also had a water drop mark on his right cheek. His build was buff and yet he was lanky and tall. Who is this guy?

The guy looked at us for a second before sighing and asking “is this the kid?”

Dare smiled and hugged me as he said “yes! You're okay! I mean yeah, that's great but why did you two come here alone?” I shrugged and smiled awkwardly as I said timidly “I didn't come here alone with Sabrina, the others were… taken”.

Daren sighed and said “Gerald, will you help me get these idiots out?”. So this is Gerald? Gerald smiled in a snarky way as he said: “ yeah; I hope Levi has a tolerance for being a servant for a week”.

He put a finger to his head and said “west wing eight cell block forty-seven c”.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2018 ⏰

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