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We turned to head back when we were ambushed! Crap! We have to get Sabrina out of here, and fast! She is terrified already. Delilah and Levi were back to back defending themselves and fending the guards off. They must have had another base around here! I scanned the area for it before hearing a gun shoot. I turned to look and when I did Sabrina was gone. I was terrified where was she!? Delilah would kill me! Speaking of which where are the rest? I looked around. The gunfire had stopped and the guards were retreating. My friends, I couldn't save them I was hopeless. I ran to the side of the hilltop yelling their names. Levi probably would have been able to send a mammal or insect to me to tell them where they were if he was awake, so that must mean he's out cold.

I slowly went to the ground and sat down to think about a plan. When I sat down instead of being rational my brain went into panic mode and I gripped the top of my head. Thoughts of failure flowed through my mind. A hand touched my shoulder lightly. I turned to look and saw Sabrina standing there with a couple cuts and scratched on her face and arms. Not to mention a bruise on her left leg. She bent down and asked "where's my sister?" her voice was weak and her hand was shaking. I looked down and told her "she was taken". Sabrina didn't say anything, she just kept herself crouched there and then I saw her shake a bit. She took her hand off of my left shoulder and covered her eyes with her hands as she fell back onto the ground. Sobs could be heard from her. They were tiny because she was muffling them. I looked at her with pity in my eyes. Her first mission with her sister and her sister is taken away after she was attacked with her. I could only imagine how she feels. I stood up and put my left hand on her head and left it there as I told her looking around "it'll be okay. We'll get her back". Sabrina took her hands off of her face and looked up at me. She had tear-soaked eyes, snot running down her nostrils, and her fair skin was tinted pink.

I wiped her tears and said to Sabrina "well, let's start by keeping positive attitudes. We won't be able to find them if we aren't brave like them." Then I smiled at her and asked "right, Sabrina?" she nodded and I let my hand out to her and she took it. I helped her up and she wiped away the rest of the tears and snot. I took her glasses and cleaned them off with the hem of my shirt and gave them back. I asked "so do you have any special power like Delilah?" she shook her head and said "only the wings. Other than that I'm pretty much human" I smiled and said "okay well, I am fully human. So at least we understand each other." Sabrina nodded and asked "is that why they didn't take you? Are you not particularly special to them?" I got very offended by that as I said "well if you want to say that. I mean I thought I was special. That's what my mom and teachers always told me." Sabrina laughed and said "well, I didn't mean it like that" I nodded and told her "I know, but that doesn't mean it didn't offend me. Anyways, no I'm not special so I guess that must be why" Sabrina gave me a guilty look and I told her while pouting "I still don't fully forgive you but, I forgive you enough to get along with you" Sabrina chuckled.

I pulled a stick from a tree and started carving figures into the sand. I pointed from one to another explaining the figures and who they were. Looking over the hilltop I saw a building that looked small, so it must go down underground. I mapped out the time periods it seemed the guards headed out to check the perimeter so that we didn't run into any unexpected trouble. Sabrina helped by flying above to watch the guards positions and where they went. They always went into a clockwise rotation.

When I was done explaining the plan I asked Sabrina "got that?" she looked completely dazed and I said "actually, nevermind just follow my lead" she nodded and I slid down the side of the hill slowly and quietly. When we got to the front of the building where the ladder was visible I heard a guard coming in so I hid with Sabrina behind me and when he entered I punched him and tripped him. He was knocked out so I grabbed his gun. I motioned for Sabrina to follow and we climbed down the ladder. The strap on the gun was very convenient.

We made it down to the bottom of the base and we hopped off the rung of the ladder that was about a foot or two off the ground. You could hear the scuff of our shoes on the chalky floor. It looked like Clay though. How interesting, maybe when we finally get rid of these guys I can study this material more. It didn't seem like Sabrina was very observant of her surroundings however as she said: "come on let's get moving". I nodded and we put our backs against the wall and shuffled along it. We saw guards guarding rooms with their guns pointed towards the ground. Dang it there are like twenty of them. Maybe, just maybe I can pick them all off at one time. I looked to my right on the other wall I saw a hard surface and smiled. Both walls in the room were made of the same material. I angled the guns point to where it would hit all of them in their legs which should distract them long enough for me to grab the key and knock them all out before getting everyone out. Though that plan didn't turn out very well since I also woke up on the inside of one of the jail cells after that thought. Dang, it!

Now Sabrina's captured too. It's all my fault I should have just sent her home. Instead, though, I got her trapped with me. What a great guy I am.

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