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I woke up on a cold stone floor. I sat up and rubbed my forehead only to feel pain. I howled in pain "ah!" I looked to my right and saw Grayson sitting down by the wall with his arms crossed as he slowly opened his eyes to look at me. He pushed his hair back and chuckled as he said: "Welcome to the land of the living Mason" as I looked to my left on the ground I saw Levi lying there unconscious. How did we get here and why were we here? I got a bad headache and closed my eyes tightly. After a few seconds, I remembered that we were here to take down an organization that threatened everyone in Willow Waters and we ended up where we were after we were all knocked out. Well, except for Levi, and Emmery and they probably had to knock Felicity out too. Across from us the girls were all up and huddled in the corner with Delilah using her powers to create a small fire to probably keep them all warm. Levi started to stir in his sleep signaling that he was waking up. Grayson then called across the room to the girls and asked "are you okay?" the girls turned to us and Emmery called back quietly "yeah".

A guard came in and slid water under our cell door and some sandwiches. I glared at the guard. I apparently wasn't the only one because when he turned around he froze looking at the girls. I looked over at the girls to see Emmery, Felicity, and Delilah all glaring at him. They looked about ready to murder him. He shoved the water and food under their door fast and ran off. Emmery scoffed and said, "of course the chicken wouldn't fight us!" I gave a 'no duh look' and said "well I mean remember what happened before we got knocked out?" she gave me a 'shut up' look as she stated "they had it coming, I'm just saying. You threaten our families, home, friends, and school and you'll regret it". I shrugged and sat back against the wall. Good grave jester my back hurt. Probably from lying on this stupid cold floor! I suddenly got a great idea as I asked Emmery "hey Emmery, have you tried using your demon to bust out?" Emmery scoffed at me this time and told me "no, I'm not trying to be reckless Mason" I smirked and said "you didn't care last night" she rolled her eyes and said "whatever Mason" I smiled and said, "come on just try". She shook her head no and I started chanting. The other four soon joined me. We were chanting "come on Em" pretty soon she got frustrated and told us "fine, I'll do it! Just don't be surprised if you end up dead afterward Mason!" I gulped and ran over to Grayson and sat beside him. Emmery raised one hand in the air and it looked as though she was holding a sword or something invisible like that in her hand. She lifted in the air slowly but a blinding red light like last nights illuminated fast and disappeared almost as quickly. After a few more blinks I was okay and had my normal eyesight back. Like she couldn't get any scarier. She had lightning yellow hair that was down and looked messy, she was wearing a suit of armor. The armor was black and shiny but had deadly sharp spikes on her shoulders which looked like demonic teeth and two more on each tip of her shoes. She was wearing jet black knee high heel boots, she had a long black tail with a blood red tip at the end and spikes up halfway from the tip to the middle, her outfit consisted of black shiny shorts and a long-sleeved black shiny shirt that only went halfway down her stomach. Her eyes were completely black, there were not even the whites of the outside of the eye. She had long twisting black horns. Blood red lips and long red fingernails that were red at the tips and black at the middle to the beginning. Her face had long red cracks one from her right eye the top of her head and another on her left cheek to her left eye. Her wings were made of visible bones as the main structure and the web in between the main structure was as black as a midnight sky when the moon isn't visible. It was terrifying. She walked up to the door made of metal bars and ripped it off its hinges throwing it across the hallway like it was nothing. She walked over menacingly and grabbed our cell door and instead this time bent ours like a pretzel again like it was nothing and then tossed it to the other. After that, she flew her way around to each cell door and opened her mouth at the first one and I watched as fire came streaming out. My eyes widened and I asked Grayson "if we walk up to her will she literally roast us?" he shrugged and said, "we've never seen her second form this is our first time seeing it". I gulped and watched as she closed her mouth after she had completely melted the metal door and she raised her right hand into the air again. A sword of fire and darkness formed. She flew around and cut each door in half quickly. What have I done?

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