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As we were stepping through the door into the hallway we heard Daren yell "Whatever losers! Like you could step to me!" Levi rolled his eyes and continued walking. No one said one word to anybody as we walked down the hall. All I heard were the faint whispers of some students in the hall. It didn't take long for it to feel awkward but by the time we got to class that didn't matter since none of us sat together. I sat on my own wondering what Daren's problem was. The science teacher then walked in and looked at me as he said: "good morning class, as you all know, my name is Professor Mágos". There was an assortment of very few mumbles to bid the professor welcome before he went on by stating "today we'll be learning about Mageía or magic in translation". This time it was I who rolled my eyes as I stated in my head 'this must be an elaborate prank that the staff pulls on the new student' professor Mágos was really into this prank then because he talked about "magic" all hour.

When the bell rang I was first to stand after gathering my items and I walked out of the room. I was about halfway down the hall when I heard a small voice call my name and I turned my head to look behind me. To my surprise, I saw Felicity speed walking up to me as she struggled to hold all of her items without letting them slip. I stopped walking and waited for her to catch up. By the time she caught up to me her book on History was about to fall, so I grabbed it out of the stack and told Felicity "straighten the stack quickly". Felicity did as told and I placed the History book down on the top. She smiled cheerfully as she said, "thank you, so much Mason!" I shrugged and inquired "what are friends for?" she just lightly chuckled at the weak joke and said, "the others are worried". The folds on her forehead told me she was worried and concerned as well. I gave a tired but worried look as I asked her "about what?" she twisted her right foot left and right showing she didn't know how to phrase what she was going to say. She suddenly stopped twisting her foot and said "they're worried about you. You did leave in a hurry" I shrugged and told her "I'm fine, just felt a bit awkward you know?". Felicity nodded understandingly and said, "yeah, sorry we all had our thoughts troubling us." I again just shrugged and stated "It's fine" she smiled and again declared "let's get to fourth period! It's almost lunch!".

Felicity pulled me by my forearm just like how Delilah did when I first met them all. She was rushing toward "the office?" I asked. She chuckled and said cheerily "yeah! We have a job to go on and well we thought you'd wanna come along with us to get out of class" I smiled cheekily and asked "what if I wanted to stay here and learn like the nerd I am?" she looked at me and pouted as she stated "I know you don't want to stay and learn, you also aren't a nerd now come on!" I chuckled and she let go of my arm as she skipped happily to the principal's office. I followed behind only walking.

"Mason Evans? The new student? I don't know if he is ready for a job yet" I heard a deep voice say. I walked into the room beside Felicity and instantly heard Emmery say "there you are, do you mind coming on the job with us?" I shrugged and said lazily "sure, why not?" Levi then said to the principal "See, come on let him join us" the principal sighed and said "fine, but stay safe" I saluted the principal in an attempt to get a giggle but I didn't get one. We exited the school confusing me as I asked: "the job isn't in the school?" Grayson smirked and said "nope, it'll last a day or so" my eyes widened as I asked, "what do you mean?" Levi told me "he means to say these are basically missions. Our "mission" is to retrieve the schools most prized possession that's been stolen." I asked, "and that is?" Levi told me "A mural of the very first schoolmaster it's priceless and made out of gold" my jaw dropped as I asked "you mean just the border right? And only fake gold?" Delilah shook her head and said "no, real gold and everything about the mural is gold just with paint over it to make him his natural blue skin tone" I blinked in denial as I asked, "are you messing with me?" Grayson turned to me and told me "I assure you we're not messing with you" I smiled and said "yeah right, everybody has. Talking about magic? Magic isn't real and neither are Fairies or Phoenix's". They all stopped and turned to face me serious expression on their faces. Grayson's eyebrows were furrowed angrily and his arms were crossed, Levi was looking at me a puzzled expression on his face with an angered aura while his right hand was in his hair. Emmery was standing there her hands on her hips and an angry glare, Felicity was standing there with an arm straight down as her right arm held onto the other. Felicity had a concerned face and I lastly looked over at Delilah to see her teeth gritted as she glared at me with her narrowed eyes and tears blocking her eyes. Her hands were in fists on her sides as she said "I can assure you I am real!" her mouth barely moved but you could hear the hurt in her rough voice from yelling and holding back tears.

Grayson became defensive as he yelled "we are all real! You're real! You have magic don't you?" I swallowed the last bit of spit I had in my dry mouth after looking at Delilah and said "no, I don't have magic, and I hate that you keep pretending that you all do" Grayson asked in a gritted voice "oh really? What's this then?!" Grayson yelled "Lotus of Light drain the darkness of my foe!" after yelling that light appeared from his hand and started coming out of his hand and shaped into a white lotus before the petals came back together in the middle of his hand forming a flower bud and exploded light emitting everywhere in every direction. I reached out and touched a stream of the white light and sure enough, touching it I saw it explode and become the shape of a pocket watch. My eyes watered as memories of my grandfather appeared in my mind.

Afterwards, Levi said "plants of earth form a barricade!" plants started growing from underneath the cement and created a wall in front of Levi. Delilah yelled tears escaping her eyes "Power of the gods destroy thy foe!" a black stream of light came from the sky and created a large sculpture of Cerberus the three-headed dog before splitting up and running through the streets and back into her hand. Felicity yelled "form of the Sparrow!" she turned into a sparrow and flew around above me as Delilah's wings emerged from her back and she jumped into the air. Her wings seemed so delicate but as she came upon a steel street lamp she didn't move and she cut straight through it. Emmery stood there and didn't do anything. She kept her eyes closed. I wonder what her powers are. After the show of powers which were unmistakable for magic,  they all walked up to me and Emmery opened her eyes coming up to me as well. After walking up to me she inquired "earlier you said you don't have any magic? Then that means you're human but, you probably are useful since you knew about the castle of deliberation you must be able to picture it mentally meaning you can figure places and riddles out before anything or anyone else. You have use".

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