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         Chapter 2:

  "Please Survive"

Lastly, Delilah came to fly me up onto the roof. I saw her flying back towards me, hands down and out and I lifted both arms into the air. She grabbed my hands swiftly and flew us back to roof as I asked "how's it going in there?" as we were landing she said "pretty good, Emmery has been handling her demon pretty well-" as she was saying that we saw a guard fly up through the hole in the roof in an unconscious state and land beside it. Delilah glided to the ground and made a safe and soft landing putting me down first before standing on the roof herself. I asked "was that Emmery?" she shook her head no and stated, "no, he wouldn't be knocked out like that, he would more so be in shock and freaking out if he hadn't fainted right away. It must have been Felicity" I blinked rapidly as I asked "Felicity knocked him out and threw him up here?" she nodded seriously and said "she's strong, now come on look here's a gun" she chucked me the soldiers gun full of ammo and asked "know how to shoot it?" I nodded and stated in a boastful manner "my dad took me shooting a lot when I was younger" she chuckled and said "great, now come on let's go help the others". She jumped down and instantly I saw a dark purple light illuminating out from the inside. I jumped in after her and landed a bit harshly since the roof was six or seven feet from the ground.

Grayson came flying backward towards us with his arms blocking his face and his feet planted on the ground he was sliding back, but he caught himself and launched forwards again decking the guard. Delilah changed quickly into a new form as a guard with a gun came up and she hit him with lightning bolts. Must be her form where Zeus granted her his power. A guard came running at me and instead of shooting I kicked in his knee and punched him on his jaw. He fell backward to the ground but my hand really hurt! Ow! I started shaking my hand off and breathing on it as Felicity came running at me quickly in a cheetah form. Great now I'm going to get attacked by Felicity! She jumped but she made it over my head with a ferocious roar and I heard a loud grunt as something hit the ground. I turned around and she had tackled a guard that was behind me. I nodded as thanks and heard running behind me I turned around quickly and pointed the gun at his leg and shot. He fell to the ground fast. I panicked about the blood and Emmery ran over to me as she said: "forget that soldier he'll be fine it was a minor wound help me take out these ones!". I turned towards where she was pointing to see about fifty more! How many did she outrage in those few minutes?! She ran at them jumping into the air her hands lit up with some weird flame like gas and a mix of dark purple. It looked just like that one move she used on Max but on a smaller scale. The 'twisting vortex of terror' it sounded pretty chilling thinking about it. She slugged one of the guards on the jawbone and then the other in the gut and after that kicked another one on the cheekbone. I joined in using the same hand as I did earlier and sometimes I shot their legs, arm, or foot. Never the head, stomach, or heart. Pretty soon we were down to thirty and Emmery told me "this is getting tiring, I'll take them all out in one move" she closed her eyes and moved her hands out from her sides. Her demon form number one appeared taking over her. Soon she yelled "devils kiss, burn!" she put her palm to her lips and kissed it leaving a lip mark of her black lips. She turned her palm around to face all the guards and she flapped her wings propelling her into the air. Emmery shot out beams of a very dark red at the guards burning them and knocking them down each easily. Pretty soon she must have gotten bored at doing that one at a time because she shot out a light of red and when it disappeared all the guards in the vicinity were knocked out. She got out of her demon form and landed weakly on the ground. Levi entering a bit bruised she ran over to him but stumbled and fell. She looked really weak and Levi did too.

We left Felicity with the two of them and Grayson, Delilah, and I walked around to find the main people who sent out the threat. We soon came upon a room of white. Everything looked so white and blinding and we saw people sitting in there. Delilah and Grayson turned to me as Grayson said "Delilah and I will go in and take down most of them. The ones escaping we need you to take care of quietly" I nodded and determination and Grayson and Delilah ran into the room and did their things. A beam of really bright yellow and light gray emitted from the glass pane in the iron door. As people came running out I knocked them all down pretty roughly. By time nobody was coming out I opened the door and was shot with a beam like thing. The last thing I saw in the room was Grayson and Delilah knocked out and tied up. After that everything slowly went black and I passed out. The last thing I thought about were the other three. I hope they're okay.

Sacred WhispersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora