six; ferris wheel

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July 29, 2017 › 3:23 AM

"Why are you up this early?" Jisoo yawned and sat upright. She stretched her arms and rotated her head.

Today's the Saturday. Yesterday was the usual although these friends of mine can't come down to what occured last Thursday.

"Get back to sleep," my roomate commanded and resumed sleeping while hugging her favorite pillow. I ignored her again for the second time around.

I ignored her and continued looking at my phone screen, hoping that Taehyung would send me a text message by now.

I shifted my position and stared at the ceiling for a long time, long enough that I almost fell back asleep. My phone suddenly vibrated. I opened it to see who or what it was and to my gratification, it was Taehyung who sent a message saying: "Call me back when you're awake."

A wide grin flashed upon my bare face. I immediately called him without having any hesitation. After all, we are friends. 

After a few rings, to my content, he answered, "Lisa?" "Up this early?" He added.

"Yup," I chuckled. "So, what's for today, Mister Kim Taehyung?" I chaffed.

"Try not wear something that can catch attention, okay?" He said out of conern. "Bring also a hat and mask," he added. I know the reason behind the hat and mask. Idols do these at time to not catch attention and be chased everywhere. Poor BTS.

I let out a light sigh and replied, "Okay."

"Let's meet at the library, 6 in the evening," he uttered over the phone.

"See you!" I exclaimed. He bid goodbye as well and hung up.

I jumped in my bed and went back to sleep though the smile painted on my face wouldn't come off.


"Why, hello dear," the librarian greeted with a smile. I bowed to her as respect and gave her a smile as well. I glanced at almost every corner of this small library and didn't see any Kim Taehyung at all.

"He's behind the shelves," she whispered and winked. I bowed to her again the second time around to thank her. I tried looking behind the shelves to look for Taehyung. I went through circles and back and forth but to no avail, no Taehyung was seen.

Was the lady joking?

"Boo!" A deep voice of a man jolted out of the blue.

I bolted as I was scared by his action. I turned around to see who it was and there I saw Taehyung smiling widely while waving his enormous hand. I gazed at him badly for a moment and started hitting him hard. "You startled me, freak!" I yelled at him.

He tried dodging my hands but too bad there's only little space in this library. "Okay, I'm sorry!" He apologized in an insincere manner and held both of my hands. "Let's go," he said grabbing me out of the place.

A black car was parked outside, enough for more than 6 passengers. He opened the car door and made me go inside first then he followed. "I don't know how to drive nor do I have a license," he spoke. "I got Jin hyung instead," he added which left me a shock.

I looked at him and exclaimed, "Kim Seokjin?!"

"In the flesh," a handsome guy with broad shoulders seated on the driver's seat spoke. I assume he's Jin. "You must be Lisa," he added and grinned.

I hit Taehyung again for the nth time and whispered, "You let your hyung drive for you?" And yet he only had a blank expression on him.

"What's wrong about that?" He asked in a whispering manner maintaining his expression. I hit him halfway and he tried dodging. I mouthed to him, "What?!"

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