Chapter Thirteen

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After dodging anymore demands from Harry, I hastily make my way to my car. According to Harry, there's a party tonight that I have to get ready for. 

Once I get home and scrub my body until I have new skin, I throw some pizza in the microwave. As I wait for it to heat up, I wander into the living room. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Hailee's voice asks from behind me, making my heart freeze into a block of ice. I slowly turn around, tears in my eyes when I see her.

"This isn't real." I mumble under my breath, closing my eyes.

"What's real anymore? Come on, Tabitha, you know shit has been weird lately." She raises her eyebrows then takes a step closer to me, making the air around me drop twenty degrees, "Why would you kill me?"

"Stop it! You're not real!" I shout, running into the kitchen as the microwave begins to beep, letting me know the pizza is fully cooked. 

"You're really going to eat that?" Her voice follows me into the kitchen as I take the pizza from the microwave, "Fat ass."

I take my plate of pizza into my room, shutting the door behind me. I count a full minute, and she still hasn't shown up in here, so I sit on the bed. This is all my imagination. Stress does this to people.

I turn on the TV to take my mind off of things, occasionally glancing at the door for Hailee, and devour the pizza. The possibility of Hailee actually being in my house keeps surfacing to my mind, though. 

If I want to ask Harry about it, I have to get to my car, but she could be out there waiting for me. She could be waiting to kill me because I murdered her. I can't just stay in my room forever, though. 

Cautiously, I open my door and look down the hall for anything suspicious, but it seems to be empty. With a sigh, I make my way out into the hall, creeping into the living room. Once I notice that it's empty as well, I bolt to the front door, grabbing my keys along the way, and jump in my car. 

Within a few minutes, I'm at Duke's, or is it Harry's, house, waiting for him to answer the door. 

"You don't look dressed for a party." He says once he opens the door and looks down at my sweats.

"Yeah, well, I have a question." I brush past him and walk inside, eager to get out of open view.

"Did you really have to come inside to ask it?" He shuts the door and follows me into the kitchen with a chuckle.

"Are ghosts real?" I ask, "Like could Hailee be walking the Earth?"

"You're not starring in Casper." He laughs at his joke and hands me a water bottle from the refrigerator.

"This isn't funny! I just saw Hailee at my house. She asked why I killed her!" 

"All you need to worry about right now is the party tonight. I can come over and make sure she doesn't bother you if you'd like, but you have to get ready soon." He leans against the counter, and I catch a hint of something in his voice.

"I don't need a babysitter." I huff, taking a drink of the water.

"Then why did you come here?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Shut up, and get in the car." I frown, walking towards the front door. When I reach my car, I gasp when I see Harry already sitting in the passenger seat, buckled up.

"What took you so long?" He asks with a grin, but I just roll my eyes.

"Seriously, Harry, don't come in here!" I yell through my bedroom door as I twist the lock. I know that won't stop him, but I don't need him in here while I change into my dress. It's bad enough that I spent the last hour keeping him out of the bathroom as I did my hair and makeup.

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