Makes Me Wonder

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Makes Me Wonder by Maroon 5!

(Picture of Luke)



"So Lake" Annie smiled at me from the head of the table. "how are you liking it so far?"

She got home from work about 10 minutes ago and brought home dinner for us.

I made sure before I came downstairs, that myself and the bathroom was cleaned up.

"The house is absolutely gorgeous" I complimented eating a French Fri.

"I'm glad you like it!" she exclaimed "it will be your home for a while hopefully"


"Yeah" I mumbled back

"So" Luke changed the subject "are you starting school, or did you finish?"

"Defiantly didn't finish" I let out a low chuckle "I'm not a big fan of school"

"Who is?"  he smiled which made me smile which is weird because no one can make me smile by their smile.

"Are you going to introduce her to the boys before the holiday is over and school starts back?" Annie asked Luke who shrugged.

"I mean if she wants to meet them" he gave me a nervous glance.

"I'd love to meet them"

I'm actually kind of curious about 'the boys'

"Great!" she clapped "get them to play you a song, they're good"

I looked over at Luke and he was blushing bright red making me chuckle to myself.

I can already tell he gets embarrassed easily.

"I will"

We continued to make small talk as we ate until we were all finished. Annie went upstairs to shower leaving Luke and I to clean up.

"You don't have to wash those" Luke stated as I started washing my plate.

"It's the least I can do" I told him "plus I actually like cleaning"

That made him start laughing "What normal teenager likes to clean?"

I'm not normal but I couldn't tell him that so I just shrugged.

As I continued to wash the dishes I hummed Makes Me Wonder by Maroon 5, which is my favorite band.

"Maroon 5?" Luke asked leaning against the counter


I set the last dish on the towel and turned off the water.

"So... would you like to meet the boys tonight?" he questioned "They should be here in like 5 mintues"

"Emm.... sure" I gave him a small smile "I'm going to finish unpacking real quick and change into something else"

He nodded and headed upstairs to mine room.

When I was in there, I locked the door and opened one of my cases. I pulled out a pink onesie that had white bunnies all over them.

I only bought these because the bunnies, bunnies are my all time FAVORITE animal! I really want a fluffy white one but if I end up leaving this world, then I won't have no one to look after it.

Maybe Luke would.

I shook that thought away and quickly took out what I was wearing and replaced it with the onesie.

I added a pair of black slippers before I headed back downstairs where I heard laughter.

"Dude is she hot?" I heard one ask.

"Shut up!" Luke exclaimed "she can probably hear you"

"Oh I can" I said walking down the rest of the stairs where they could see me.

A very tan lad blushed bright red making the other ones laugh.

"This is Lake everyone" Luke introduced "Lake this is Calum" he shoved the tan one "Michael" a cutie with bright ass pink hair "and then Ashton" the last lad, he had dirty blonde hair and these amazing dimples.

"Hi!" Calum and Michael said

Well Ashton said "Hey"

That make me laugh for some odd reason.

"So" Ashton cleared his throat "where are you from?"

"Greater Manchester" I told him with a small smile

"Never been" he replied

"It's incredible"

There were a few moments of awkward silence before Luke suggested we watch a film.

Apparently there's a cinema in here, I wish I had a cinema in my house back home.

I followed behind the lads for a couple seconds before we walked into the huge room that looked like a cinema.

It had a total of 6 light brown reclining chairs, 3 were on this platform thing and the other 3 were on the ground.

I quickly took the last chair on the platform thing grabbing the blanket that was hung on the back of the chair.

Calum, Ashton and Michael took the chairs on the floor and Luke sat next to me looking at me.

I turned my head to meet his eyes and he gave me a smile before grabbing the remote and turning on a movie.

"Body of Lies or Frozen?" Luke questioned.

"Body of Lies!" Ashton, Michael and I said at the same time.

That left Calum to say Frozen which made us all bust out laughing.

"Body of Lies it is!" Luke chuckled and turned it on.

All I have to say is that Leonardo DiCaprio is a hottie.

I don't need help (Luke Hemmings) /Editing/Where stories live. Discover now